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His Majesty

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Everything posted by His Majesty

  1. Throbak Stone Bender on eBay, also Effects Pedals, Accessories, Guitars, Musical Instruments (end time 06-Feb-09 14:15:15 GMT) Boss GE-10 Graphic EQ on eBay, also Effects Pedals, Accessories, Guitars, Musical Instruments (end time 06-Feb-09 14:24:26 GMT) Joe Meek MQ3 on eBay, also, Computer Recording Software, Pro Audio Equipment, Musical Instruments (end time 06-Feb-09 14:31:32 GMT)
  2. Flash can I bring my 100 watt Vox stack and turn it to ten!? I ferkin' hate Marshalls etc etc!
  3. Hmm, due to recent exposure to x factor I've found myself liking and singing Take That's - Rule The World, I don't care what anyone says, that is a great song! Btw, I'm sure I caught a glimpse of local guitar slinger Jerry Jablonksi queuing up to sing when they featured the Glasgow auditions. o_O
  4. Near mint condition, fully working with box, paperwork etc 65
  5. It's gone! Anyone going to buy this!? http://www.aberdeen-music.com/forums/equipment/49133-f-s-late-60s-early-70s-vox-4x12-cabinet.html
  6. The Vox 4x12 cab is still for sale if anyone is interested!?
  7. I too was at that gig and I thought they were terrible as well! o_O
  8. She didn't write it, but her recorded version is an amazing arrangement which took the basic written material to another level. I like the fact that many people will have heard the radiphonic workshops work without even realizing it. 8-)
  9. It's simple, the music The Beatles and The Rolling Stones created during their peak years was ace! It's a pity that you can't enjoy the mercurial beauty of Child of the Moon or the sweet dreamy feel of Across the Universe. A whole host of old music has positively enriched my life and inspired me musically... that makes that music completely relevant to my life. Ps: cheer up yeh grumpy bugger!
  10. Aberdeen is really only one main street and a bunch of housing estates, but every moan aimed at the people here applies to any city, there are people all over the world who do really stupid things. I'm sensing that some people who move away think they are superior to those that stay, which is rather pathetic. Glasgow and Edinburgh will always have more work, social and cultural opportunities available simply because of their location and size. That's the only real difference between here and those cities, there are simply less options, but it doesn't mean that you cannot live a full and happy life here. Regarding music/art etc, there is as much creativity here as anywhere else, it's just on a smaller scale. If Aberdeen wants to move forward and progress, then it has to take on things like Trumps golf course. It needs to encourage such investments, not turn them away. Sadly, the recent council cuts seem to have hit the city hard already, hopefully things will eventually get better in the near future. The future of Aberdeen seems a little bleak at the moment though! Just some of my thoughts.
  11. The sound was equally bad for all the bands that night, but I'm sure someone who had a clue could have made things sound better than they did... apart from the wildcards lead guitar sound, that was beyond saving! o_O
  12. Off to buy some pie's? The guy behind the mixing desk should be sacked, truly awful sound!!! o_O
  13. 100 for a cool vintage amp, anyone!? o_O
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