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His Majesty

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Everything posted by His Majesty

  1. Actually, I think managers love this type of worker as it saves them having to deal with his bags. The union wants people to stop using their cars for obvious reasons, but hey, some folks like to use em.
  2. If there is a picket line, RM will pick you up and you can rake in the cash.
  3. When the routes changed about 6 months ago so did the start times, full time postmen don't start till 6am, on the street for approx 9:30 - 10 am, supposed to finish 13.30 - 14:15 depending on which day it is... wed - fri latest finish times. I kinda feel sorry for new postmen, they get hardly any training on the round(s) they will deliver and little support from managers, they are essentially left to work it our for themselves. Supposing they actually give a damn.
  4. Agreed, it'll be chaos. I can't see RM allowing it to get to that stage, so if strikes are continuing, perhaps they'll just totally disregard the union(which is what they plan to do anyway) and bring in even more temp staff etc. Problem is, all over the country small wildcat strikes have been happening for months. There is already a big backlog from those. Add the backlog from the upcoming strikes, it's already gearing up to be a fucked up xmas.
  5. Maybe your service button is off when they get there now? The routes were changed about 6 months ago so where someone might have been earlier, they are now there later etc. This is supposed to be progress. ?( Just so you know, officially we are not supposed to buzz individual tenants in flats unless they have specifically asked us to or we have a recorded/special delivery. Some people actually complain when you buzz them to gain access to deliver their mail... then complain when they don't get it!? o_O If your service button is definitely on at the time he is there, then he's just being a lazy cunt.
  6. I have zero problem doing my job according to the rules and working my full hours(I rarely finish before my time now), but it is virtually impossible to do so due to minimal or no support from management and ever increasing workloads/changes. Some of RM proposed changes will completely ruin what is already a screwed up service. If you think the quality of service is bad now, due to some of these proposed changes it's only going to get worse. They don't give a fuck about it's workforce and they don't give a fuck about the customer.
  7. I've been telling the 'floater' postman who covers my job on my days off that he's doing things wrong for months, but he carries on regardless. Btw, he's Polish. Told management too, they don't give a fuck. I've also told management every day for about 6 months about numerous buildings with no access due to service buttons being off, once again, they don't give a fuck. etc etc etc
  8. I will bear this in mind when I go out on strike this Friday.
  9. Here's what it sounds like with my les paul custom... Amps and effects pedals :: vampowercombo.flv video by sundaramusic - Photobucket
  10. Rare early 70's Vampower 1x10 combo - about 10 watts or so. Recently serviced by champelectronics - 300 ono
  11. Early 70's Vox 4x12 cab. 200 ono
  12. Got it! I think I'll hold out to sell it rather than trade.
  13. Straight trade!? USA made, reissue Fender tele of some kind.
  14. ono = get yer offers in. Trying for something local first, cannot be assed dealing with ebay and the subsequent fee's etc.
  15. Nope, there's a number missing from the photo, it's a 2001 historic.
  16. I didn't read any of the above post, but the band moaning carried on with the competition even though they thought it was a ripp off!? Shuddup!
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