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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. Still my favourite Foo Fighters album. Sorry, guys who aren't Dave Grohl.
  2. They've lost that "I'll have your eye out with this" or "after the gig, I'm going jousting" factor. I love to take things to extremes sometimes, so I got a Les Paul Double Cut
  3. I love a Les Paul, me. Not so keen on the most recent ones (the oversized bodied ones) - look bloated and rather badly proportioned. I love the small body, gigantic long neck aesthetics of the previous model. Oh wait, we're talking about guitars. I'll get me coat.
  4. I suspect it's more to do with the suspicion that there's a feeling of entitlement to results/change which goes along with the comment.
  5. And that's entirely up to whoever runs the online forum, which is the point.
  6. Sorry I can't help - I do all my own packaging. Haven't lost a bass to these ham-fisted, don't-get-paid-enough-nor-given-enough-time-to-give-a-fuck couriers yet. I find the trick is to pack it tight enough so nothing inside the box moves, but not so tight that you risk bursting the box.
  7. Sorry guys, I can't make it - doing band stuffs out in the rurals tonight.
  8. How can it be a breach of privacy if the post wasn't private?
  9. I've typed out and deleted two posts now. Mostly maudlin', rambling, nostalgic pish about how good The Tunnels was (particularly when I worked there 2006-2009), how it seems to have lost a bit of its lustre these days and how that's a source of personal ire for me which I've decided not to bore you with.
  10. http://soundcloud.com/alkanes - got the link from the FB page the noo. Weird.
  11. Please don't fuck with it.
  12. Gibson IV sold. El Toro withdrawn.
  13. I don't know if it's the worst thing I've heard/seen ever, but it's certainly the worst thing I've heard/seen today.
  14. My Gibson Non-reverse Thunderbird has arrived. Played it at Toms last night and it passed the audition Expect a bass to be advertised for sale soon.
  15. You're all a bunch of bastards. Wait, is this being taped? OOPS!
  16. OOH, take that, you cheap dime store hood! However, if we're in a Stephen King short story film adaptation mood, I always preferred "Oh that's funny. You're going to look funnier sucking my dick with no teeth"
  17. Basses, naw, doesn't look like it. Some lefty guitars tho, including the SGJ and LPJ. Bah, didn't delete my cheeky reply in time. Hence the confusing post order, ha!
  18. **** SHAGGY DOG STORY ALERT **** I played recorder at primary school. I bought a guitar from Bruce Millers in my teenage years, an Epiphone Special II like this one: Didn't really "get it" though. Puddled about with it on and off for a few years but eventually realised guitar was not for me. Or I was too lazy at the time. Or didn't get good enough, quick enough to maintain my interest. And a hundred other excuses. Years later (circa 2003) I bought a bass in Bruce Millers. I can't really explain why. I just saw this Epiphone EB-3 on the wall and thought to myself "that's bonnie, I think I'll get that". So in order not to make a total arse of myself, I scurried home, learned the bass to "Peaches" by The Stranglers on the bottom four strings of my unloved and neglected Special II then headed back to BM for a try. Didn't really know what I wanted from a bass yet, but I found I could play it (and it was a lot easier to play a bass line on a bass, funnily enough) so I went for it. The day I got it home, I was sitting down playing it and didn't notice that I was standing on the lead. Stood up and gave the jack socket a hefty yank. Cracked the lacquer around the socket. Bollocks, guess I'm keeping this then. I puttered about on it for a while, pick it up, have a noodle, put it down. Found out what GAS is and swapped around a few basses. Made my first bitsa bass. I eventually got off my butt in late 2008, did a quick turn at an open mic, played in a hastily ska/2-tone covers band for a birthday party (a week before my wedding) and joined Panda Eyes in early 2009. Mostly got off my butt because Jayne kicked my butt off the chair and into doing something useful. Instruments are not ornaments, as she so rightly pointed out. Still playing, still loving it, still getting better, still buying basses.
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