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Everything posted by Jarvis

  1. I just realised that, curses. I vote Kartta open Reds Stage on the Saturday. Horrendous timing boys!!
  2. Yussss. I'ma excited for this, put a ticket aside please.
  3. The Mill, all the way. The boy Neil is sound, has the patience of a saint and always has plenty of ideas to give your tunes that little bit extra kick. Besides all that, he's pretty generous with the tea and biscuits too - extra points.
  4. I've noticed, Nick, that your playing style becomes dramatically more aggressive when you are emblazoned with that unicorn. Queue quips about 'stallions' and such...
  5. I'm really, really looking forward to Alastair tonight. I'm going to sit back with a pint and just plain absorb his tunes. Delighted. Highly recommended to anyone and everyone!
  6. Are you coming to see Moggers? Can you say... p... a... r... t... y...?
  7. After momentarily disappearing to record I can gladly confirm, ladies and gentlemen, Katerwaul are fuckin' back. Thoroughly enjoyed their set last night, watching Nick's manly locks flying all over the shop being a total highlight. French Quarter were pretty good, started strong but maybe could have done to mix up their sound a little? Thought they got a little 'samey', but that's just my opinion. Still enjoyed it, might pick up their record at some point. AMoF were [prepares for a hail of abuse!] ...a bit boring. Their sound was crisp (even through industrial strength earplugs!) and I loved them initially, but I tired of them by the end. It felt a little like each song was a continuation of the last. Can't fault the performance, just the music. They were good sports about the power cut though. Thumbs down to the Tunnels for letting me get boozy on a schoolnight
  8. Most ticket vendors tend to send out the goods pretty close to the event date, I wouldn't worry too much about yours just yet.
  9. Fuckin' Meursault! Brilliant! The others sounds good too, yes please Phillip.
  10. Damn, I had no idea this was on, would have come down!
  11. Tut tut, it's four buck next time lass. I was astounded by each of the other 3 performances last night, No Pasaran in particular. I said it endlessly on the night but they were genuinely heart-melting. Delighted to have finally caught them live. Phil... you were alright, I suppose.
  12. Please... please do it. Or at least introduce a 12 second thrash intro to Thirst.
  13. The snare sound is pretty awful, thought Lars's efforts were pretty uninspiring for the most part on this too. I had a wee bit of hope for this.
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