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Everything posted by Shaki

  1. He did well. Worked hard, made some good runs and showed some skill with the ball at his feet. He's not the type of player who should be playing upfront on his own I don't think. Should have called in Lee Miller to the squad and put him on in the last ten to hold it up and win free kicks by backing into defenders. Bannan was MotM by a mile.
  2. That was much harder work than it should have been. Lithuania are terrible and I'm now less confident of any upset against the Czechs. I thought our midfield did well for the majority but fuck me, it was far from confident. We should beat Liechtenstein but Czechs should piss on Lithuania and Spain would beat us 2-0 even if it was 8 against 11. The fat lady is warming up her vocal chords.
  3. Adam. Apparently Hutton is injured but I think it could be lack of sharpness that is the real reason.
  4. 3 huns, 1 Championship and 7 premiership stars. I feel it in the air we're going to win.
  5. Starting line up for tonight: McGregor, Whittaker, Caldwell, Berra, Bardsley, Naismith, Fletcher, Cowie, Bannan, Morrison, Goodwillie
  6. Forgot this one (had blanked it from my memory): Casino Jack - Kevin Spacey and Barry Pepper play nefarious lobbyists in George W. era America. Based on the true story of Jack Abramoff (Spacey). A convoluted plot that was hard to follow, particularly if you’re not totally clued up on the American political system, characters I didn’t care about and hammy acting. 2/10
  7. The Fighter - Watched this on Saturday night having spent the best part of the day in the pub so I am not responsible for my own opinion. I really enjoyed it though. A decent story and and a cracking (if you'll excuse the pun) performance from Christian Bale. 8/10 A Perfect Getaway - I don't tend to watch horror films (which is how this was classified by Love Film - more of a gory thriller I think) because my girlfriend refuses to watch them because she gets nightmares and I don't like being scared on my own. I thought I'd give it a shot and am please to say I was very brave. 75% of it was just building up to the finale with the odd jumpy bit and in isolation was quite dull but when the twist was exposed and it all came together I thought it was quite smart and exciting. I'm not an expert on the genre so don't know how it compares but it was only an hour and a half long and so I'd say it is worth the watch. Nice looking girls in it too 6.5/10
  8. The Host sung the words to nursery rhymes in the melody of pop songs on Britain's Got Talent last year. Britain laughed. The Brit Awards are English?
  9. Shaki

    Pet Hates!

    The fact that very few people came to see my band at Feughfest 2007
  10. Lithuania coach accuses us of cheating!!! http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/scotland/14774391.stm I suppose he has a point, Berra did go down easy although he was touched unlike Rezak. Watching it again today he should have stayed on his feet and squared it or smashed it home. I do think we're in danger of dropping points tomorrow night. I'm surprised Levein hasn't called up another striker as that option is available to him. The Dazzler must be gutted.
  11. I thought Carson Wells played well last night – no rust showing after a few months of not playing together. It was fucking loud. Pensioner were great. I had caught a couple of their songs last time they played with CW up here and without disliking them hadn’t been overly impressed. Last night their whole set was quality. They use some great vocal melodies and harmonies as well as having some beasting metal riffs in amongst the twiddly madness and time changes. The drummer was mind blowingly good. I only stayed for two songs of United Fruit as I was tired and the musical style seemed quite similar to the two bands before but perhaps less accomplished and interesting. There’s only so much that my brain and ears can take on a Sunday evening so it may just be their position on the bill that made me think that.
  12. We certainly can't claim we've been robbed when you look at our performances.The Lithuania and Czech away games were absolutely abysmal and we were the lucky ones for a change against Liechtenstein. The only thing I have against Levein was his comments after the game in Prague where he refused to acknowlege that the tactics were all wrong. It was just the nature of the way in which it ended.....if indeed it is over
  13. I presume it will be staged on a football pitch so no, it shouldn't make a difference. At least the locals will be more used to drunk and obnoxious British people than they are in Madrid.
  14. The Spain game is in Alicante.
  15. Irrespective of how the game was played on Saturday I am just raging that they got their penalty for cheating. Although he had a bad day generally I don’t really blame the ref. He was conned by a good dive. It took three camera angles to prove that Rezak wasn’t touched so it is easy to see why he called it although apparently they should only give it if they are positive. Berra obviously went down easy which doesn’t help my moral crusade but he was actually touched - His dive was just rubbish! I’m not buying that the Czechs getting second place is a foregone conclusion. Lithuania beat them in Prague so there is no reason they can’t take something off them in Kaunas (although for it to matter to us Lithuania would have nothing to play for). If we beat Lithuania and Liechtenstein and Spain beat the Czechs then we’ll go into the final game one point ahead. We could get tanked 10-0 and still finish second if the Czechs lose. If they draw we need to draw, if they win we need to win (and monkeys might fly out of my butt). I shouldn’t do this to myself. I don’t think things are looking good for tomorrow night for us anyway, but I’m just saying – it is realistically possible we could still get second place rather than relying on totally freakish results. I appreciate I’m ploughing a lone furrow with this one, just leave me to my delusions….
  16. Cheating Czunts. Gutted this morning.
  17. Got 67 on my own and whilst answering questions about work. Pretty hard to remember all the youth players who played once or twice. Great way to get nearer 5pm on a Friday
  18. Shaki

    Pet Hates!

    We need a new God if he's spending his time making the sky look nice rather than sorting out the famine and drought in the horn of Africa. It's particularly galling if he does actually have control of the clouds. How about less art and a more equal distribution of rain water? The wastrel that he is. The flip side of her statement could of course be what a brutal and depraved imagination he has. I hope she gets very mild whiplash and has to take an afternoon off work to think about all that.
  19. It's a bit like when Bohemians beat Aberdeen....
  20. I'm a bit gay for James McFadden. I don't think this deal would ever go through though - for the reasons stated that Championship/lower EPL clubs would take him and also I don't think he'd play for a 'lower SPL' team other than Murrawell.
  21. o_Oo_O Michael Paton on loan to conference side Stockport County!!
  22. Bill and Ted Other than that I don't understand this thread.
  23. I remember one of the last games of last season against ICT he was clean through on goal, tried to hit it across the keeper with the outside of his right and accidentally toe-poked it in the opposite direction. It was terrible. Appreciate what Johnny Mac said regarding injuries and not having a big squad. To counter this I'll use cliche 456 - we have Yoann Folly back from injury who hardly featured last season so really it is like a new signing.
  24. I think we can get into the top six with the existing squad. A good run of form in the post international break
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