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Everything posted by Shaki

  1. Neither of them are in the world famous 'Kenny Miller mould'. I thought he was fantastic throughout on Saturday.
  2. Think Miller and Mackail-Smith are both doubtful as it stands and I don't think there's any point being super defensive against Spain as they can break anything down. i.e. we're dooooomed. I'm tempted to get a live stream of the Czech game as that's where the realistic hope lies. I read yesterday that the Czechs were booed by their own fans who are calling for their coach to be sacked so let's hope they implode. This isn't even the final hurdle anyway. Even if we are lucky we've got a play off against a team of equal (at the very least) ability to contend with. Is it 2016 that they're raising the number of teams in the finals from 16 to 24? That's our best bet... ...and I'm usually unrealistically optimistic.
  3. Don't let realism get in the way of a good buzz Del! It's these little glimmers that make it all worthwhile
  4. If I hadn't bought a season ticket for Pittodrie I'd be considering a move to watching Banchory St. Ternan already. Foster won't have done his doubters any good with another mistake costing a goal.
  5. Shaki

    Pet Hates!

    I experienced a weevil infestation a couple of months ago and was most put out. Serves me right for owning flour and semolina that I never use. Do you keep these goods in a cupboard which is exposed to steam - like near the kettle or above the hob? If so, move them as they thrive in moisture. I think this is my first post outside of the football one in ages so I hope it is useful and interesting.
  6. St Mirren v Ayr United Dundee Utd v Falkirk Hibs v Celtic Kilmarnock v East Fife Away to Hibs isn't that easy for them (although Hibs seem a bit cack at the moment). Killie will rip East Fife to bits just to make us look even worse. Quite why I'm voicing an opinion on the Diddy Cup when we're not even in it any more I just don't know.....
  7. A Guide to Recognising Your Saints
  8. Can't work out if you're being kind suggesting the Dons could possibly have won it or if you're taking the piss
  9. Ah well, at least the Huns got beat
  10. It was a bad one last night and we haven't done well in the league so far but let's not overreact. Brown put his finger on it when he said that he shouldn't have rested any first team players last night because the guys he put out weren't good enough. I appreciate it's his job to know that in advance but I think that was the problem. Our first 11 are pretty decent and I think we'll start picking up the points in the league soon. I still maintain Fallon will come good. I don't think the fans were that bad last night compared to any other club in the same circumstances. Good passages of play and near misses were applauded last night and bad passes were met with the sound of frustration. It's not exclusive to AFC nor is it exclusive to the fans - I overheard Foster tell Magennis that he was "doing fucking nothing out there"! Top 6 finish and a Scottish cup win is still on In hindsight we should have never sacked JC. Best Aberdeen manager in 20 years.
  11. Well, he was right to be optimistic and they deserved to go through. What a fucking joke. We won't be the only team to be embarrassed by a lower league side this season but in terms of the magnitude of the embarrassment - getting beaten at home by a part time team - we'll be up there with the worst. Why Josh Magennis was played on the left wing and nominated to take a pen is beyond me. Bizarrely just before they scored their first while a player was getting treated by the physio he asked in our general direction if we had any juice! That was the best thing he did all night. Anyway, let's move on and talk of it no more. What's happening in that English league you guys are always going on about?
  12. To be honest I don't actually know what keepers should do so I don't usually comment. It just looked like he was standing still until the ball went past him and then went down like a big sack of massive potatoes.
  13. Did you know: Derek Young now plies his trade for Icelandic club Grindavik, AKA Knattspyrnudeild UMFG, who boast Lee Sharpe and Davie Hannah as former players.
  14. Agree that Brown doesn't look very impressive. He did fine when called on against Dundee in the cup but on Saturday he was totally static, standing on his line for both goals. Looking at the highlights again today they were both terrible goals to lose although Killie could say the same about ours. I fancy that we'll cuff East Fife tomorrow. I'm heading down for goals galore. Fallon and Chalali to open their accounts.
  15. A mixed bag from the Dons today. Poor defending for Killie's goals - far too easy - but did well to get back into the game and could have won it. The referee had an odd day, I'd like to see a replay of the challenge on Fallon which got him booked for diving. Despite being possibly the slowest player in the SPL he showed enough today to suggest he'll be a good signing. Hopefully he can form a good partnership with one of the other strikers. Osborne was a beast in midfield. He seems to have enough football about him to compliment his bruising challenges. Milsom had a 'mare. Not sure what to make of Chalali, he'll probably need a period of getting used to the rough and tumble of the SPL. Seems a direct player which is promising.
  16. Shaki

    Pet Hates!

    Same category as big fake boobs.
  17. I can't last an album of their music never mind a 1,200 hour long film
  18. Should have stayed on the sauce.
  19. Shaki

    Pet Hates!

    Aye, they used to have separate rooms for classes but since the refurbishment there seems to be a spin class in the main gym every evening. It was bad enough before with the volume of the music they play even when there isn't a class. I was thinking about moving to PureGym but if it's the same there I won't bother. I think I'll invest in better headphones instead. Alkaline? In ear headphones that keep external noise out?
  20. Shaki

    Pet Hates!

    Spin class. I don't attend spin class, I attend the gym so that I can have an enjoyable workout listening to my iPod. They've moved spin class into the main gym and even when I have my music up full blast I can still hear they're banging dance music over the top of it and occasionally they all whoop like Americans.
  21. Shaki

    Pet Hates!

    People looking over my shoulder and asking questions about what I’m doing when I am wasting time on the internet. I’ve hated this since the internet was invented. It used to be my family and now it is my girlfriend (flatmates in between asked no questions). What’s that you’re looking at? Erm, it’s a picture of Andrey Arshavin wearing what appears to be some sort of naval officer’s hat Who’s he? He plays for Arsenal Why is he wearing that hat? I don’t really know Why are you looking at it? Someone posted a link to it on the chat site Is it meant to be funny? I suppose so What’s funny about it? …..
  22. Shaki

    Pet Hates!

    The film is terrible and feels like nothing to do with the book so don't waste your time.
  23. Keeper was a yard off his line. Should be a retake.
  24. Aim for the stars and maybe you'll reach the sky.... Although it's been a disappointing international break I'm not really looking forward to returning to the hum drum of the SPL. I feel like I've had an exciting holiday romance and am now returning home to a girlfriend I don't really love.
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