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Everything posted by Diesel

  1. Aye, those are good - unfortunately named, but good.
  2. The Gods of Rock will protect my axe.
  3. Thanks man, I'll have a look at those
  4. I'm after a hardcase for my newly acquired Strat. Does anyone have one for sale? Anything considered. Thanks.
  5. Have a look round eBay and see if you can find a comma, a question mark and a full stop in Bulgaria
  6. True enough....can't you transfer them onto your PC?.
  7. Diesel

    Pet Hates!

    Agreed. Worse though, are the CUNTS (usually in group of 6 to 8) who come in armed with carrier bags full of enough gulch for the entire movie and spend the duration passing the bags back on forth to each other, thus ensuring a constant state of loud rustling. Death is too good for these gluttonous pigs. Billy Connolly nailed it when he said "for fucks sake eat at HOME!"
  8. If you're using it to post on here, I think your keypad is fucked as well On topic - it's just a phone, nothing more. As for contracts, I pay £7.50 a month (Tesco) and I got a free Samsung that looks like a Blackberry as part of the deal. I got the contract capped so that it won't automatically go "over budget" if I reach my limit, though I can top it up if I need to. I don't make a lot of lengthy calls, so I've never had to top it up yet.
  9. Hi, Cool - can I have some more info please?
  10. Thanks, but just a few pence out of my price range I'm afraid.
  11. 'much for the Bucker of Hum?
  12. I urgently require a Strat, preferably USA in white, but am open suggestions. Pm me if you have one for sale. Cash waiting.
  13. Aye, that guy bought my Tele the other day - decent bloke.
  14. Oh, I think Jason Statham and any of the tossers out of the "Twilight" movies could give him a run for his money in the Shite Actor stakes.
  15. Yeah - you'd about £3500 in the hole with that rig! Sweet though
  16. Spoken for truth. I'm certainly guilty of talking pish on the "General Discussion" forum, but I am disappointed by the levels hyperbole and the vast number of "OMG" responses for drivel like the re-release of the Wispa (sic) and the latest Transformers movie ... "OMG I an sooooooo going to the shop, then I'm sooooooo going to the cinema" juxtaposed by the tumbleweed for questions like "How do I get <tone> on my Fender Hotrod?" Just saying....
  17. Contagion Ensemble cast movie that explores how America might cope with a serious pandemic (encephalitis). Takes a realistic rather than sci-fi approach and is quite absorbing and thought-provoking. 7.5/10 Kill List A patchy, but interesting Brit-flick about two ex-army buddies who are contracted to carry out hits on three seemingly unremarkable and ordinary people. Starts out like an episode of "Come Dine With Me", then goes a bit Ken Loach, before turning all "Wicker Man"-ish. The movie is hampered by the lead characters thick and mumbly accents (one Cockney, one Irish). If you stick with it for the first 20 minutes or so, it bursts into life and becomes quite intriguing. Some brutal violence and disturbing imagery. 7/10
  18. I'm supposed to be shifting two pedals to someone on here today and am waiting on him texting me. As soon as those go, I'll give you a shout. BTW - that Arbiter Fuzz Face went for £260 on eBay!
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