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Everything posted by Diesel

  1. Tempted. Tell ye what though - this ... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Fuzz-Face-pedal-Dallas-Arbiter-30-40-years-old-/300648110230?pt=UK_Guitar_Accessories&hash=item4600061896#ht_500wt_1413 ... gives me the dry boak. £150 and still bidding for a piece of misty-eyed nostalgia? FFS! Jimi's dead. Deal.
  2. You're tearing this thread apart!
  3. Mine is football related - the manager of a team I played for back in Ayrshire, named me "Diesel" because he reckoned I had the stamina of a diesel engine, in that I could play flat-out for 90 mins. I had the same acceleration as a diesel too, sadly I can do about 90 seconds these days
  4. No takers? Genuine American-built Peavey. £100 no offers, before it goes on eBay.
  5. Why is that guy trying to grab Rino Gattusso's cock?
  6. I'm looking to sell or trade a recently built PC that has been set up for recording. This puppy comes with a M-Audio 1010LT soundcard http://www.m-audio.com/products/en_us/Delta1010LT.html , a library of over 100,000 tab and Guitar Pro files, a few good music utilities (pitch shifters, vocal/lead removers, Wavosaur, Audacity etc) and full (but unlicensed) copies of Guitar Pro 6 and Ableton 8. This is a very fast machine giving zero latency on recording and the quality is excellent (with decent input of course!) Here's the broad spec..... AMD Athlon II x 4 640 (3.0ghz) 4GB DDR3 Ram (will beef it up to 8GB for right deal/price) Biostar Motherboard 500GB 7200 SATA hard drive 2 x DVD-RW drives 650w power supply M-Audio 1010LT Soundcard Windows 7 64-bit Thermaltake tower case 21" widescreen LCD monitor Wireless Mouse Keyboard All the "guts" are new apart from the soundcard. The case is off my old PC. I'm looking for a Strat or cash to buy a Strat - or anything interesting - a nice valve amp maybe? PM me if interested.
  7. Diesel


    Friday - recover from cold and feck all else Saturday - Play with my new Nova System, do some set list practice Sunday - a wee 5-mile run if I'm up to it and mair practice
  8. You've cleary never played the game for real ... and certainly not at Sheddocksley against some of the more "colourful" teams. When I played in the Ayrshire Juniors I remember a thuggish teammate of mine doing pre-match dummy slide tackles whilst the rest of use were warming up. As I walked past him on the way back to the dressing rooms after the warm-up, I heard him say "The pitch is wet . .fucking smashing, some cunts fuckin' well gettin' it the day!" I don't approve of dangerous play - and fuck knows I've been on the receiving end countless times - but there's nowt wrong with a good bone-cruncher if the intention is to win the ball. That lunge was borderline. It's elbowing that I hate.
  9. This thread underlines to me just what a great resource Aberdeen Music is. I recently put a post on Thomas Cook's forum asking what type of pickups I should fit in my Les Paul. No-one on there had a fucking clue
  10. After receiving a surprise late Xmas pressie of a TC Electronic Nova System yesterday, I now have two criminally under-rated Belcat pedals for sale at £15 each. Both are metal cased and are the size and shape of a typical MXR pedal, true bypass and totally silent. The pedals come in their original boxes and have seen very little use. DLY-503 Analogue Delay - great for 60's style delay and superb for slapback. F-525 Tuner - Huge LED display. Great value-for-money.
  11. I know ... and if I'd only waited 'til Autumn
  12. On the surface I am, but I got it cheap - I just happened to be on eBay when it was listed as a Buy It Now from someone who clearly needed Xmas money in hurry. I have two of these coz I won another one that I'd put a bid on earlier and had forgotten about in my excitement at getting the one I'm selling one here
  13. DD-3's are good (but pale into insignaficance against the MXR mwah-ha-ha) FOX - Wait 'til Autumn you say? Yes, that's going to happen
  14. Depends on what your functioning delay pedal is.
  15. Fabulous analogue delay pedal, now surplus to requirements. As-new apart from velcro on base, boxed. Just though I'd punt it on here before listing on eBay. A genuine bargain at £75
  16. It's very well done but extremely repetitive.
  17. The Blacktop range is supposed to be really good
  18. Diesel

    Pet Hates!

    Pet Hate(s) De Jour ... Cunts (usually mouth-breathing bottom-feeder types) who phone you and when you answer .... 1) ... immediately say "Hold on..." and strike up a shouty conversation with someone else at their end - So fucking rude or 2) ... say to you, "Who's that?" - YOU phoned ME, cuntybaws!! My reaction to both eventualities is just hang up.
  19. The Holy Grail pedal is superb - recommended!
  20. Arkham City is next on the list., just finished Skyrim (pretty, but meh), Dead Space 2 is superb!
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