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Everything posted by Diesel

  1. Making grunting noises whenever I stand up or lift anything. That and my peer group's obsession with successful bowel movements (or the lack thereof in my case )
  2. I swapped an old Mex Strat for this mint Ibanez JS100 the other say on a whim. It's not really my bag and as I'm looking for a 2nd amp for my studio, I thought I'd give it a bash on here. Willie at Imported Instruments set it up for 9's the other day, so it's good to go. He called it a "monster" and a "shred machine" So, if anyone has a decent valve amp they fancy swapping for this beastie, please give me a shout...
  3. Sorted! all the best in Berlin Matt
  4. Sounds good. Have a look and give me a shout. Ta
  5. Nothing too fancy or expensive, it's just for a practice room. Cash waiting
  6. Two words - "Ya" and "Dancer" - 'mon the Killie !!!!!
  7. Go onto www.dabs.com and price up the parts. What are you thinking about for a case? And are you intending to us it as a media player with a big muckle telly?
  8. I refuse to help anyone who wants to download anything legally. Is what you're wanting to build not called an iPad?
  9. Diesel

    Marshal DSL50

    A fuck of a lot of amp for the money.
  10. From the BBC Sport Website... 10 SPL clubs will discuss change The other clubs in the Scottish Premier League, minus Celtic, will meet to discuss a possible future without Rangers "The Other Clubs" - says it all really
  11. Good suggestion, I've used Just Giving for charity runs and charity gigs. Send it to all you family and friends - hit 'em where they live! Send it to me too and good luck with the runs.
  12. Is that the one where Sylvester Stallone makes a cameo appearance?
  13. I agree with the above posts. Adding distortion to an already high-gain amp just results in an unholy cacophony - I know, I've made ALL those mistakes. A treble boost (Demeter Fat Controller or Fulltone Fat Boost) might give you the extra "balls" you desire. A set of high-output pickups would help too. I tried the Rockerverb and for my type of sound (70's crunch) there are few better on the market. It's really horses for courses with amps.
  14. War Horse A right good old-fashioned ripping yarn. It's about a horse. And a war. Great Sunday afternoon viewing from the always-reliable Spielberg and Joey the Horse is pretty amazing. 8/10
  15. Nowt Chris, I've got a TSL60 combo that I've had for ages and tbh it's the best sounding (on Crunch channel) amp I've ever had. At thon gig in Banff, the TSL100 volume was at '4' on the 25 watt step-down. It's a big muckle brute to be humphing around anyway. All part of the drive to get everything in the car in one go - THREE trips each way to get the PA there and back - lol
  16. I'm downsizing and need some new PA gear so this is now for sale... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/330697276429?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649#ht_705wt_1396
  17. Hi, I'm on the hunt for a Marshall 1x12 extension cabinet. Anybody got one for sale?
  18. For sale £35 PM if interested. Adjustable 19"/12U+9U Rack Trolley , for power amps and mixers - Top section: 12U rack space, angle adjustable up to ± 45¡ tilt, in 6 steps - Front section: 9U rack space - Four lockable castors(60 mm = 2 3/8'' wheel ¿) - Welded steel construction, nylon dipped finish, black - Total height: 105 cm (42 1/8 in.) - Base section: 54(W) x 50(D) cm (21 1/4 x 19 3/4 in.) - Weight: 9.8 Kg (21 5/8 Lbs) - Max. load capacity: up to 50 Kg(110 Lbs).
  19. Poweramp and Tops *** SOLD *** Monitors still available at £50 the pair
  20. Hi, owing to a band kit refresh, we have the following for sale, all of which is is good all-round condition apart from the usual road-rash.... Peavey Hisys 2 XT 15" Tops - one has a buzz on bass tones, but otherwise fine. Peavey Eurosys 1PM & 1M Floor Monitors - one active, one passive. damaged tone knob on the active monitor Peavey 2600 Poweramp - perfect working order and in good condition £350 the lot or will split. PM if interested
  21. J Edgar A Clint Eastwood-directed biopic about the legendary FBI chief. Rather dull and seems to play to the urban legends about the man (gay, wore his mum's clothing etc.). I didn't feel that I learned much more about the man than I would have in Wikipedia. Well acted, good sense of the periods it portrays, but dreary and uninvolving. 6/10 The Help A rather redundant movie about the lives of several black woman working as housekeepers for spoiled and rich white families in Mississippi in the early 1960's. Like J Edgar, beautifully filmed and well acted, but it's all been done before. Needless to say, my partner loved it. 6.5/10 I'm currently watching In Time with Justin Timberland/Wolf/Lake. Set in a future where all humans peak at age 25, the currency is time and everyone on the planet has a green 13-digit countdown clock on their inner forearm. When it's reaches thirteen zeros, it tatties for you! Time is exchanged for goods and services and you can transfer time to other people directly or even steal it whilst they're sleeping. Price-wise, it's 4 mins for a coffee and 2 hours for a bus home. An E-Type Jag will set you back 58 years. Prices vary in different time zones all of which makes for a totally unsubtle parable. Enjoyable thus far, rating later.
  22. Fuck's sake - did Egon Spengler teach you NOTHING...?
  23. For the record - I met Teabags at Captain Toms (sold him a 4 x 12) some years back, Lucky a few times for sales/purchases and I think I met Adam when he was working at the Apple store (or at least it was someone from the same band).
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