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Everything posted by Dinosaur

  1. I think that this is a really good website for those who just wanna tell someone, anyone about whats goin on in their head. and cos its anonymous, they can say it and not worry about gettin shit for it.
  2. well i dont physically love them, but its a fookin ace program!! TPBM likes incubus
  3. true leavin to go to college TPBM had a good night tonight
  4. That whole 'incident' was rather humourous from a distance, but I agree with what Circadian is saying. so what if he makes mistakes? everyone is allowed to thats why they put erasers on the ends of pencils
  5. Never expierenced that myself as of yet, think you have to be 18 to get one
  6. kinda true, but i'm 16. But everyone knew it would sooner or later so ah well EDIT; my post was for the one above.
  7. define "any" (we have joint ownership over the phrase now, but it was mine originally, thought I would clear that up) TPBM has eaten lard off of someone
  8. Arguing with someone about a point and it turns out you were wrong, no matter how certain you were.
  9. It's not bens. ask him, he stole it from me originally. along with Dinosaur and dave navarro and gooses.
  10. Incubus - Here In My Room (Ok, think this is the last time I post Incubus, sorry keep listening to them)
  11. "Moonlight Sonata" don't know who its by though. creepy.
  12. Dinosaur

    stuff 4 sale

    whats a 3/4 violin? is it like a normal violin but missin a quarter? I just want a random instrument
  13. Me also, thought it was rather humourous
  14. yes, looking forward to this one a lot. If its anything like the last few gigs I have been to with these guys playin, it could well be one of the best gigs on in Aberdeen for a long time!
  15. Saw it for the second time today, goin to see it again on sat ok its with different people who havnt seen it ok?
  16. Dinosaur


    haha, reminds me of the war...good times, good times
  17. false, I invented them www.wizzums.tk TPBM thinks abuot men in a dirrrty way
  18. doin Photography at aberdeen college
  19. false, it didnt last very long TPBM agrees when I say dinosaurs will come back in 2007
  20. I reckon Mr T should make his own relgion. I would follow him!
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