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Everything posted by Dinosaur

  1. lol me think someone read it out loud in-front of someone? hehe nice one
  2. I heard that Peirce (that how you spell it?) was coming back for one last film thats what was leaked from the studios... Oh I do hope its Brosnan, best Bond yet methinks
  3. At about...10:50pm on sunday there were two fire engines and a fairly large crowd gathered outside H&M (is it? on union street, where it meets market street) anyways, anyone have any idea what was happening then? we saw the fire engines pull up and the fire men kinda just got out and went for a chat. Surely if there was no problem they should have went back to being on standby incase there really was a problem somewhere else?
  4. in the main picture you can see his cock, its a relfection or a faded picture of it. check the biker or whatever he is, check his jacket area ewwwwwwwwwww
  5. nothin better than a pack o' cookies and a glass o' milk
  6. my scariest dream is either a re-inactment of jurrasic park one with the kitchen scene in which i was there. Either that or a dream where it was like a huge open cube room with nothing in it. I can never remember anymore than that but when i wake up i puke like 5 mins after. scary..
  7. Street Fighter. The anime NOT the movie! god that movie was awful. the anime ones are soo soo cool! not seen them in ages though... recommended though
  8. subtitles. although I tend to stop watching the film and just read them instead, that annoys me sometimes...
  9. i wish pokemon were real! anyone else agree?
  10. Froblick ok I have joined again, but cant find where the league option is to join it! argh! EDIT: Ok got it now! silly internets... I'm Fih
  11. its poo. "this is nothing like the shire mr Frodo"
  12. cheers I had a look, yeh I do have a hand-out. I'll give it a read soon. cheers for the input guys!
  13. Ok, I Started the HND course at Gallowgate about 5/6 weeks ago. We have the first assessment on friday for light and lighting and, basically, I was wondering basically what the assessment is about? I know it involves the wavelengths and thats about it. Can anyone help? thanks much
  14. BURNT FACE MAN is sooo ace! you should die if you dont like it! www.burntfaceman.com
  15. AHA! so I'm not mad then! thats the one i had!
  16. So did I...Just tryin to make a joke (just realised it wasn't that funny...sorry)
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