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Everything posted by Elizabeth

  1. Dear IMP, If you get them back to Aberdeen, make sure it's not in the first two weeks of February (though, if you must...) or before the following days in May: 15th, 26th, 27th, 28th or the 3rd of June. Thank you.
  2. The idea of this sounds totally fantastic. Though, do Onion Terror just have to play a normal-length set?
  3. That was deeeeecent. More gigs like this should definitely be held at Cap'n Tom's.
  4. I can't go to EitS, so, if my friends aren't being gay I am hitting this. (Get Avast! )
  5. Oops. I forgot to PM Huw before 5am last night, so, I don't think he got it hence, I didn't pick up any tickets. It's cool to get them at doors... right? (I know I've asked a million times. )
  6. Nice choice. The last things I bought were: A Silver Mt. Zion - Horses in the Sky Straylight Run - The Needles The Space
  7. ...where the hell would this be in Cap'n Tom's anyway? Like... which room? Where?
  8. I live about two seconds away from Captain Toms and an hour and a half away from Dundee. This it is, then.
  9. I don't like Foals. ...but this is based on one recording, their performance on that Skins Party thing and one youtube video.
  10. Is this one different to the 'spolosions one, yes? That one looks pretty cool. The EiTS one looks fucking awesome.
  11. Over 18 too, then? I hate you all.
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