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Everything posted by Elizabeth

  1. I'm not sure what kind of stuff you're putting into that genre, so, I'm just going to go for: Piece of Me - Britney Spears ...anything by Cascada ...and Justice vs Simian - We Are Your Friends Yeah, the good, bammy stuff.
  2. Elizabeth


    Apparently Charlie died, so, I don't want to hear about it. :'(
  3. I enjoyed Your Heart Breaks more than I thought I would. She was good on her own. Laura was awesome too. Guy's head kept getting in my way of my view from the stairs, though.
  4. ...that's a good point, actually, her actually having being able to get through. ...but we haven't heard anything yet, so I'm guessing it's okay? Will tickets be available for this at the door? My ticket is stuck in Inverbervie.
  5. WHY WOULD THEY RELEASE AN ALBUM AFTER SPLITTING UP? :'( They're ridiculous, they really are. Get Maybeshewill aswell! *throws suggestions*
  6. Well. Hmpf. ...Stapleton are releasing their new one soon though, no? Surely that means a tour...? EDIT: Get Moleck.
  7. Wasn't it always really small? ...or, has it been done up in the last three years?
  8. Nope. It was 18+ and I didn't want to risk it with a friend who wasn't 18 and my friend who had bought tickets for us bailed on me.
  9. I love We Are Scientists. Will most definitely be at this instead of Frankie T. ...not that I don't like Frankie T... but he comes here more often than WAS do.
  10. That is what I meant. I just thought I'd word it like a madman. Whoever sings in AoH sounds like Ryan Adams... kind of.
  11. I saw the singer guy from this do an acoustic thing. ...It wasn't really my cup of tea, but, he was really funny.
  12. ...In Cafe Drummonds? Weird. I might go just so I can look at Paul. :'(
  13. Ah, man, I got a scare there and I was all, "aaaah, exaaams." Then I remembered I'd already checked this was a Friday. (H)
  14. I donated some monies, but it confused the hell out of me when I got an e-mail from paypal saying they'd rejected my payment and then I got another one saying they got it? Maybe I have no idea how paypal works (which is entirely possible). Either way; s'good it's been saved... if it has been saved.
  15. I'll probably hit this. East Neuk is 'orrible, though. I swear a spider and a fag end came out the tap in the bathroom when I was there last.
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