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Everything posted by JaseyBoi

  1. JaseyBoi


    Fucks sake Jan deal what the hell is your problem now?.....MORE bad rep for what?...Bad jokes?.......Im getting fucking sick of this....Everything i post these days gets me bad rep points Stop reading my posts jan if your simply gonna reply shit like "fucking hell" then give me negative rep points...Atleast tell a joke or have something to say regarding the threads topic before you constantly judge every post i make... The excuse you give "cliche jokes" i mean who the hell are ya the local forum troll?.
  2. The Press Association: My Name Is Earl gets cancelled I love that show aswell.
  3. 1066 battle for middle earth I loved it, second part is on inight.I pressume this could still be classed as a film aye?.
  4. Yet ye didn't rep me ...Obviously wasn't that funny And for all you whom slag off my spelling.As i explained before the job i do i have never had one complaint....Image below is a sample of what i do See fuck all wrong with that is there.....
  5. Its about time all the members who give people bad rep points for spelling stood up and admitted what they do I mean cmon guys get a grip lol
  6. the meaning of life - funny motivational poster
  7. JaseyBoi


    An Englishman, a Scotsman, and an Irishman are all to give speaches to the Deaf Society. All are keen to make an impression on their audience. The Englishman goes first and to the surprise of his colleagues starts by rubbing first his chest and then his groin. When he finishes the Scotsman and Irishman ask him what he was doing. Well" he explained" By rubbing my chest I indicated breasts and thus Ladies and by rubbing my groin I indicated balls and thus Gentlemen. So my speech started Ladies and Gentlemen". On his way up to the podium the Scotsman thought to himself I'll go one better than that English b****** and started his speech by making an antler symbol with his fingers above his head before also rubbing his chest and his groin. When he finished his colleagues asked what he was doing. "Well" he explained" By imitating antlers and then rubbing my chest and groin I was starting my speech by saying Dear Ladies and Gentlemen". On his way up to the podium the Irishman thought to himself I'll go one further than those mainland b******s and started his speech by making an antler symbol above his head, rubbing his chest, and then his groin, and then masturbating furiously. When he finished his colleagues asked him what he was doing. "Well" he explained," by imitating antlers, rubbing my chest and then my groin and then masturbating I was starting my speech by saying - Deer Ladies and Gentlemen, it gives me great pleasure......." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Paddy died in a fire and was burnt pretty bad; the morgue needed someone to identify the body. So his two best friends, Dermot and Tony, were sent for. Dermot went in and the mortician pulled back the sheet. Dermot said, "Yup, he's burnt pretty bad. Roll him over." So the mortician rolled him over. Dermot looked and said, "Nope, it ain't Paddy." The mortician thought that was rather strange so he brought Tony in to identify the body. Tony took a look at him and said, "Yup, he's burnt real bad, roll him over." The mortician rolled him over and Tony looked down and said, "No, it ain't Paddy." The mortician asked, "How can you tell?" "Well, Paddy had two assholes" said Tony "What? He had two assholes?!" said the mortician. "Yup, everyone knew he had two assholes. Every time we went into town, folks would say "Here comes Paddy with them two assholes"
  8. Apologies regarding me posting a porn link featureing america's number one female music artist...My query though is this... How come every single post/thread in the watelands/general chat is full of the most discusting language that the chat alone is past pornographic...How come such posts/threads are allowed on a daily basis but 5 images (not even open leg pictures) are deemed to porno for the forum...Now you can quote the rules all you want but my point is this Check that one sentance out regarding a family show...I have no individual personal pick with the guy whom posted that above just querying where we have to draw the line on whats tolerable and whats not.... Seeing rhianna naked fair made my days and to be honest with 380+ views the thread had im sure more than i enjoyed the pictures... Let the jaseyb0i bashdown commence
  9. Quite nice....thought i'd share the link...Sorry if it breaks rules
  10. Ravenous then Plunkett & Macleane (on same disc) really enjoyed both....Also watched small face's...Just the debt collector and pasty face's to watch after that...All scottish productions i might add and all craking films... Mon the Tongs
  11. JaseyBoi


    swine flu = pigs flew no?
  12. Put the inbetweeners againt skins is like asking rab c v shameless . . . . Totally 2 dfrent styles of show..... Oh and in my opinion skins is shite......I honestly felt the 3 episodes of skins i watched totaly made drugs out to be ok as in take drugs be cool. . . lol Inbetweeners is a reet laugh though....Fancy a lick of my cornetto?.
  13. 50 views 1 reply lol I thought we had much more lotr fans than that.
  14. The Hunt For Gollum Movie Website Trailer Independent Online Cinema I thought it was well made since it was done on the cheap cheap
  15. Tee-Bagging with the slogan "bag yourself a unique tee shirt"
  16. JaseyBoi


    "It was once said that a black man would become president when pigs fly". Indeed, 100 days into Obama's presidency ..... Swine Flu
  17. I would not reccommend rhubharb as every cat/dog in your area will use it as a toilet.......Rhubarb is a haven for animal pish..... Niederrhein Nomad is correct in the types of fruit you can grow outside just make sure its a grafted tree though or you will never get any fruit ie if you grow your own apple seeds for example the likelyhood of any fruit is slim to nil. Strawberrys and tomatoes can be grown form seed no problem but your best to keep them indoors untill there like 3-4" tall .. .. .. .. .. . At the monet in my garden i currently have collie's,carrots,spring onion,tomatoes,cabbage and herbs and salad i have rocket,atlantic lettuce (lol?) parsley,tyme,rosemary(just cos it smells devine)Oh and the family favourite peas...The trick with peas is if you grow a few on different days you will have new peas after you devour the ripe peas lol meaning you dont eat all your peas in one day .. .. .
  18. For a beginner i'd try planting blackberry/redberry bushes....These can be trimmed and maintained to have the appearance of a tree...I have blsck/berry gooseberry redberry and rasberrys out my back garden......... Other fruit trees that are beautiful but produce no fruits are oranges.....My daughter asked me to plant 8 orange seeds for her....I explained to her that they just wouldnt grow here in scotland and they needed a hot country...After she nagged a little more i planted them....sat them on the kitchen window.....All 8 have grown into little 3ft trees which have the greenest leaves ive ever seen....Also can be pruned to be miniature trees which produce beautiful flowers during spring/summer......... If looked after properly as a baby any fruit/seed/bulb will grow but not all will provide fruit..... Anywho lol i'd stick with /blackberrys/redberrys for the first year as they will give you fruit on the first year....Poundland in town has some really really nice dried berry stalks that you simply stick in water for 1 hour then plant and there only a bloody pound......For all new gardeners id highly recommend a visit to poundland.............
  19. Did i maybe see Hog in Bj Completions a few weeks ago taking photo's?
  20. Are classes based on our wage or our street name?......
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