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Chi 666

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Everything posted by Chi 666

  1. nobody seems to have L&B of Beny Henys as there fag of choise? interesting. befor i smoked drum (when i had money) i smoked L&B all the time!
  2. it makes me look cool and makes me attractive to the opposite Sex. Blue Drum 90% of the time the other 10% is Lucky Strike. good old prison smokes!
  3. Whats your brand? (the Smoking ones) and why? Mine has to be good old Drum rollies. cos there Cheap and tasty:up:
  4. why? because i like the jukebox? i think that it is a good idea, this whole mp3 jukebox thing. i mean soon enough every jukebox will be one of these so the prices will fall. just like everything else thats brand new. i just like the fact that i can put on any old shite i want (yeh! for like a 1 Bla bla bla)
  5. the moorings has a good box like, but it has limited songs, this thing will play nearly every band you can think of. i think its fuckin fantastic!
  6. this pub has the best juke box in aberdeen. i put on a akercocke song followed by sworn enemy! you can find pretty much any band in that thing!
  7. Walls of Jericho! Fucking AWESOME!!! i will be there same with Sikth!
  8. cheers dude. i will be down straight after the rocky horror picture show! what time yous on?
  9. i can see why the chick in the 2nd pic has had so meny views, but us?!?! i think its coz we look so cool an swav but sexy in all!!
  10. Ace. that pics in my gallery. "Those were good times when that photo was posted." What when ours was?? that pic just turned into one big froum! anyhoo am off to go play SoM METAL!!!!!!!!!
  11. "2. the "faded tshirt" metal scene. mainly made up of crap "metal" bands who like to "get fucking wasted" before they play, release countless eps of badly produced material with crap song titles. generally play for fun and dont have many aspirations (element 106, statue of misery etc)" - Stewart Maxwell
  12. you have to know thuraz. or your just not cool enough
  13. deans is the drummer. i think it was andrew who asked to borrow it. no worries man i will take good care of her!
  14. oh min! mind when you smashed your face at my house and blood was everywere! that was fucked up
  15. Fahrenheit Element 106 Iomega Black Matter Statue of Misery Hells yeh! @Tunnels doors : 7 Tax : 3/4
  16. i think i wil take you up on that dude. cheers
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