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Chi 666

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Everything posted by Chi 666

  1. i really like that new song "Hatte Event" but always find myself listening to Neonflexicide! its like when you go to subway and think "i think i will try somthing new" but end up always buying a Meatball Sub. they rock!
  2. ehhhhhh thanks? 1. Element 106 2. Isloyre 3. S.o.M 4. The Upstarts 5. Abdysma There you go
  3. Chi 666


    Thanks a lot guys!! thats awsome to hear! we have really been getting our head down and trying to improve. oh and we had already played at Snafu about 10 mins befor hand! thanks for the kind words.
  4. yeh man i heard that shit to, he went on to do Here to Stay later! hope you werent around to hear that shit, it was horrible!!!!
  5. awww min i was pished at night, i did like the feel o that ESP like. these plec are ALL over my house!
  6. i thought it was a pretty good review myself. thought it was all true. cant wait to play Snafu on sunday!
  7. yeh i put that on our blog on our page to. check out www.myspace.com/statueofmisery i really like that review:up:
  8. yeh sorry i will be away on the 30th, i think bry might still be off shore for sunday. am not to sure?(
  9. if you cant see it at the top of the thread dude, go on to our myspace, its in the pics there
  10. HAHAHAHA..... you will have to get that place fumeigated after we leave!! hope you lads are comming along:up:
  11. i will take the 12 string give me a PM
  12. bry and chi to man, dident we tell you to take a listen to them?
  13. my gamer tag is (suprise suprise) CHI666!!! call of duty kicks ass!
  14. Where can i find this mag??(
  15. fuckin hell! i had to cut all my hair off, shave my arab breard and take out both my nose rings just to get a fucking job! i wish i could still put them in, but sadly no. was anyone at the gig at kef on sunday night? HAHA fuckin madist! i dont think i have ever see so many preteen "goth" sluts in my life! they all seem to want to out slut each other!
  16. will it be in the september issue of the fly?
  17. that may be, but no way near the quality of stix, kev or even dick(head). Draconian is the bomb, they are really helpfull in there and they let you have a break when ever you want. Stix did my last one and he is a sound as fuck guy. Fuck Dicks! i hate every member of staff there!
  18. this should be a good gig. shame we could nae play guys! its a fucker! hope it gos good lads, i will try and make it down:up:
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