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Chi 666

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Everything posted by Chi 666

  1. so you guys playing? Iomega are supposed to be playing inall.
  2. yeh man its www.myspace.com/statueofmisery
  3. lets push this bad boy back to the top! how many people you expecting to be there?
  4. i suppose we could still play, we would just have no bassist, i would have to speak to the rest of them first (unless ELEMENTS bassist wants to cover bry?) i will let you know ASAP
  5. we did get called "korn/kasabian" which i thought was weird. i would probly say more along the lines of disturbed
  6. please dont make it the last week in october, am away, make it the first week. that way everyones just gotten paied and brymon will be home from off shore:up:
  7. hows he talking pish? i dont get it? you seem to be the only person in aberdeen who dosent get along with hog! mabey its you..........?
  8. good to hear that man, this gig will be fucking nuts. yeh hog no worries
  9. i need one now, anybody selling?
  10. Questioned be theroy (fucking awesome) Statue of Misery Runious SoundShok 7pm ace
  11. am 19 and from woodside in aberdeen zeromisery is 20 and lives in auchmill in aberdeen (he drives)
  12. i will play guitar if you like. geees a bell (PM)
  13. how we no get mentioned in the title like min?? eh?? only jokeing. this night should be a good laugh. looking forward to it
  14. any more comments on these FUCKING ACE TUNES BY STATUE OF MISERY?!?!?! hahahaha
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