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Chi 666

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Everything posted by Chi 666

  1. so did i i love the painting (fuck i cant mind what its called) but its a naked lady on a rock and theres a pomegranit with a big fish coming out of it and out of that fich is a tiger and out of that tiger is a smaller tiger attacking the naked lady on the rock fuckin ace
  2. i have to disagree with retros, yes daryl is cool as fuck and knows how to pierce and same with the others there and its a really nice atmosphere there, overall good place but fuck me its expencive! when i went to retros to get both sides of me nose pierced to was gonna cost like 55 bone, went to ritchards and got both done for a tenner. and they were just as good save yourself small talk and some money and got to dicks
  3. aw min you should make one with the dude holding the head like on the demo! that would be ace
  4. yeh you pretty much sumed us up there maxi!
  5. dose anyone know anybody that fixes amps in aberdeen?
  6. my peavey supreme head is fucked! help me fix it. everything works fine apart for the main input. i dont even hear a pop or click when i plug in my guitar! the wirings fine, and it all looks fine. what could be the problem??(
  7. come on lads (and ladies) give us som feedback!
  8. what about when i chucked you into the pit and you spilt you whole bottle o booz! that wwas ace. cheers for the big up james. yeh i thought all bands were aweS.o.M!!!! same again next year (but i think we will make it the end of the month so more people have more fund hence more people come along!)
  9. check it out! new S.o.M songs for you all to enjoy!!! www.myspace.com/statueofmisery
  10. cheers hog, what you think of the new songs?
  11. some of the tunes aint working. you should put fires of war first!
  12. oh, S.o.M were in the studio yesterday so a new demo will be on sale at this gig!
  13. set list Isylore - 7.30 - 7.55 Spike Pile Driver - 8.05 - 8.30 Statue of Misery - 8.40 - 9.05 Iomega - 9.15 - 9.50 Element 106 - 10 - when ever the fuck they like!
  14. just an update isylor will play first (if you guys dont mind) the spike will play after them, just jake wont be finished his work in time to get down. if this is a problem let me know asap:up:
  15. little change of line up, isylore will be on first. spike cant make it down in time to go on first. if this will be a problem can you let me know asap. thank you
  16. Footpedal included This rig cost me 650 anybody interested?
  17. just a wee update my peaveys FUCKED! soooooooo im gonna use my Valvestate S80 (which is a beast) so anyones welcome to use it, just please dont trash it. oh and there will be a bass stack there. chow:up:
  18. i was stuck in a crummy little office with broken air conditioning and no fans for 9 hours:down:
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