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Bass Cadet

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Everything posted by Bass Cadet

  1. I just hate all american accents - very annoying! (especially with all the American shite on TV)
  2. Sounds like one of an amusing 'dung heap' of a film - I quite like films like that. No brain required just swich on and veg! I was a bit concerned about the name though - my bass amp is a Torque and it is a classy piece of kit! Mmmmmm............ Chalk & Cheese..................?
  3. Totally agree with the Moshulu pole rant! They should take them out or put a professional up there - although the base of the poles is far too small and no pro would work under those conditions right enough....... Anyway, I wanted to have a rant about socks (it's only taken me how many days to think of something?!?) - I hate them with a passion. I find them all over the house, can never find a pair, they make your feet too hot and smelly, die clothes random colours in the washing machine, need replaced due to holes far too often and are generally a hastle I don't need in my life - they are the spawn of satan
  4. Well what did she look like? Where did you see her? Wearing sandals is better than having stinky feet - to keep your feet wrapped up when the weather is clearly nice enough for you to set those toes free is moronic
  5. Noooooooooooooo..... Lordi are muck! I suspect it would of been a sonic boom if there are fighter jets about. I used to live just across the water from the lossiemouth base and sonic booms are very scary close up.......
  6. This morning when I left for work it was blazing sunshine so I selected a lovely pair of flip flops to adorn my feet for work. At midday however the heavens opened. I was indifferent, I quite like wearing sandals when it's rainy so I can splash about in the puddles without having to put up with wet shoes for the rest of the day. I went out to lunch, the rain stopped. I left my mates after my allotted hour (and a very nice sandwich), got 10 yards and it started with the hail. Not just any hail, huge fuckers like musket balls stinging me through my clothes - oocha! I was hurrying along when I caught the toe of my flip flop in a drain which put me all out of kilter. To regain my balance (without falling on my arse) I must of taken my foot out of my sandal. It went plop - down the drain - leaving me with only 1 sandal, but not only that, in my struggle to regain my balance I stepped in a very fresh feeling dog turd (it was warm and squishy). So I found myself in the situation where I only had 1 shoe and the other foot was somewhat mucky (easily washed off in a puddle though) and still a fair distance from work although I did make it back. Now the dilemma though, how can I walk home with only 1 shoe? I live in Tillydrone and there is a lotta glass aboot!
  7. Playing in Drummonds that night so I hope I have enough time to come along! but chances are I won't and thats crap!
  8. This totally brightened up my morning - oh how I chuckled! Tis true though that people who were not blessed with an inkling of common sense will struggle with t'interweb.
  9. Female - I like fish *random thought* anyone know about the fishing laws on the Don? I sometimes do a bit of trout fishing there and I presumed that you only need a permit for salmon but apparently you need a permit for Trout too. Anyone know how much it costs? the penalties for not having a permit?
  10. Axl has always been a chav fanny (even before the term chav was invented!) - this story just proves that people never change!
  11. That made me giggle! I sent it to all the doctors here at work so I'm sure there is much chuckling going on throughout the building - class!
  12. What you don't have any tunes!?! How do you survive!
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