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Bass Cadet

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Everything posted by Bass Cadet

  1. Whatever gave you that idea? You don't seriously believe that every junkie has AIDS do you? Anyway, I think you mean HIV (the virus that leads to AIDS) otherwise he would be too ill to get out of bed, let alone get himself a fix. I must be the only person on this forum who doesn't regularly slag folk off, but that was the most niave comment I have ever seen ?(
  2. Good idea. That would teach 'em Catherine. Make out that you are offering an olive branch and cook your flatmate and her folks a lovely dinner - Bunny stew! - That would be a classic!
  3. Well then?...... Don't keep us all in suspense!
  4. Too True Edit:- Hopefully soon.............. And hopefully he will be forgotten quickly...........
  5. You go girl! Don't put up wi the pish!
  6. I hate the world cup already. I work in the bookies and we have been told that we must work till 10 every night while the world cup is on, to cover american horseracing that no-fucker is intrested in - I'm nae a happy camper! Fitba - Bah Humbug
  7. My Granny lives in Mill o mains so I've visited there many times. When I was a kid, the neds in Dundee burned down my favourite playpark - That made me cry. Oh and they knocked down and broke my great grandad's gravestone - which made my Granny cry. No other neds have ever done anything to upset me (apart from looking unkempt and letching) so I have aquired a certain amount of prejustice toward that Dundee lot. Although I know my feelings are irrational.........
  8. Dundee doesn't seem as rough as it did when I was a kid. No matter how much they do the place up though, all I'll ever remember is how scabby the place used to be. Anyway I'm an Invernesian so I couldn't care less!
  9. Poor Rabbit, you have todo something about the welfare of the poor thing. I'd say find a new home for the rabbit and get the fuck out of there - June is too far away to put up wi that shite!
  10. Wow - everything I should of known a fortnight ago condensed into a few paragraphs! Managed to get through it though - a short sharp learning curve and some common sense is a wonderful thing. I'll be better at it next time no doubt
  11. This clip sounded like it might produce a giggle or at least a smirk, but I found it sadly disapointing
  12. I deliberately don't worry about spelling or grammar when I'm on this site, I have to be precise for work so it's nice to have somewhere you can just randomly type without having to worry. If you want proper grammar and punctuation - go read a book!
  13. If you are moving out why do you care about keeping good relations with your current landlords? I'd just do whatever i wanted (discreetly) - whats the worst that can happen? It's not like they could pphone up the police and have you arrested or anything.
  14. I've seen insense before - they are amazing! Ahbody should go
  15. The way it was explained on the news show I watched, I got the impression that it's the logo (You know that apple with the bit out of it) rather than the name they were fighting over in the courts. The i-tunes website doesn't have the apple symbol on it and thats how apple computers got awa wi it. Personally, I think any company that has managed to eek a sliver of the market in anything to do with computers, has done well to upset the monopoly that is microsoft.
  16. It's because what you type, it doesn't always read like it sounds in your head - I have that all the time! I dunno - Most people I know who graduated have jobs related to their degrees - apart from the afore mentioned art students! I've only got 7 standard grades so I wouldn't know much about uni at all.
  17. I saw a budgie in a tree in tillydrone on friday - obviously an escapee - Maybe your neighbours? Edit - sorry, just noticed you live in Aboyne so I doubt it!
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