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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. Went to see Spy yesterday. Was gobsmacked by how ace it was. Avoided rom-com territory in favour of being a straight-forward action/comedy and has some hilarious dialogue and excellent performances. Jude Law's attempt at an generic American accent (or Generican accent, if you will) is a fucking embarrassment, though. Genuinely the best action comedy I've seen in a long time, right up there with Jump Street and The Other Guys. It's no Citizen Kane, but it's fantastically good at what it does. 5/5 xx
  2. I can't help but imagine the "non-freaky" girls on Tinder probably bailed because it's over-run with dickholes... Just a thought. xx
  3. Yeah, that was my next question - what the fuck is a diminished chord..? xx
  4. Riiiight! Perfect, thanks for that - the bit in bold there is what I was really after - I saw something before annotated as M m m M m M D or something, and had no idea what it meant - turns out that's the guy. Lovely stuff, GBOL ATB! xx
  5. Minor Keys. So, take a nice easy example here, the scale of Cmajor is the same scale as Aminor... So if you're playing a progression in the key of C, you could play C - F - G. Now, if you wanted to play in the key of Am rather than C, am I right to think that you'd play Cm - Fm - Gm? My assumption is that the notes that are changed from the scale of A to make it into Am (3rd, 6th, 7th = C, F, G) and those chords are played as Minors in the minor scale... But that's just a total patchwork of guesses and assumptions on my part. Basically, when the fuck do you play minor chords in a key? Or can you make and chord minor whenever you want? xx
  6. Finished (and ADORED) To Kill a Mockingbird. Incredible piece of writing. Looking forward to the "sequel"/"prequel" thing that's getting released. I also audio-booked Animal Farm, so that puts me on 3 this year including the first Game Of Thrones book (which, to recap, is the biggest box of shit I've ever read). Also read a bunch of Punisher comics, so if I count those as books I'm WELL on track for 50 books this year. Next up - The Moon King by Neil Williamson. http://www.amazon.co.uk/The-Moon-King-Neil-Williamson/dp/1907069623. xx
  7. Stroopy121

    Your current read?

    Mos Def plays Ford Prefect.. but he's Ginger in the book... HOW DARE THEY! There are a few things in the movie that don't line up but for the most part I like the movie. It's not as enjoyable as the books are, as the trilogy is among my favourite books, but other than little tweaks make for casting/practical effects reasons (Zaphods heads, Mos Def being awesome for the part but having the audacity not to be white..) I think it's pretty true to the books, just a little bit less dry which I think loses some of the charm. Something about the ridiculous shit that Adams wrote about always seemed more absurd when they were just written about and the visuals were left to the mind of the reader.. when you see the Vogons being brought to life it kinda takes something away from the absurdness and humour of it, I thought. xx
  8. Line 6 Looper already for sale. OOOOOOOOFT that's fucking sexy as fuck! xx
  9. Yeah Tally is Italian, though someone ITT did guess that it was a Taliban reference too. Just an absolutely mind-boggling level of ignorance. xx
  10. So a few years ago there was an ad campaign about racism in Scotland, "No Place for Racism" I think... There was one advert where I think a bunch of dudes were in a pub and one guy asks "Who fancies a chinky?" and everyone stops and stares at the guy and there's an asian family in the background and everyone looks at them like OH NO HE DIDN'T and shit. Anyone able to find a link to a video clip of that ad? I'm having an argument online because I've made some fucking terrible life choices. xx
  11. Anyone go to GCCC? I went, saw the queue, laughed at those standing in it and left. xx
  12. Pictures and descriptions and prices here: Camcorder: http://www.gumtree.com/p/for-sale/full-hd-video-camera-panasonic-hdc-sd20-camcorder/1118582261 Tablet: http://www.gumtree.com/p/for-sale/vido-n90-fhd-android-tablet/1118583038 Xbox: http://www.gumtree.com/p/for-sale/xbox-360-hd-black-with-20gb-hdd-31-games/1118585018 All prices negotiable. xx
  13. Stroopy121

    Your current read?

    Fuck, sorry. Meant to hit quote but hit -Rep instead. xx
  14. Came here to post that exact thing. xx
  15. Don't write him off just yet. I believe in miracles. xx
  16. There's a twitter feed called "instagram in words" or something like that and it's comedy genius. xx
  17. If you meet her for coffee, she'll definitely kill you and make a jacket out of your skin. xx
  18. You can buy a gun in a shopping mall but betting on sport is illegal? Get your fucking head out of your arse, 'Murica. xx
  19. You couldn't offend if you tried, you harmless wee scamp. xx
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