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Sam 45

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Everything posted by Sam 45

  1. Sad indeed. I sent this link to a good few people, hope it generated some interest.
  2. I made this today for a bit of fun. The top part is my new addition. Sounds like it needs a re-valve though. Sorry for the big image, cant figure out spoilers.
  3. I got a new addition to my set up today. Can't wait to get a picture up!
  4. I had a season ticket at Todders from the age of 12-18. For the majority of this time there was an English guy that sat behind me and spent every game complaining about David Preece in his exceedingly posh accent. Me and my step-dad took it upon ourselves to become avid David Preece supporters and cheered every save he made. Always liked that David Preece.
  5. http://www.musicradar.com/news/guitars/namm-2012-orange-amps-launches-new-professional-cables-range-523951
  6. How are you getting on with this? I'm finding it pretty difficult.
  7. I really really like this until the end. It goes a bit Goo Goo Dolls in the last chorus progression. Sorry. You should definitely get a band together to play this stuff.
  8. Talbot are currently drawing 0-0 with Hearts. Hopefully they can keep that going.
  9. Any interested in one of these? Im back home for a few days and it sits and does nothing. Its the old version. To be honest i'd need to give it a try out to make sure all is ok with it. No idea what they are worth as well. Offers?
  10. I might take these. Do you know the amount of watts? Any more information on model ect would be handy.
  11. Ableton will be just grand for you.
  12. Did Jan not mention Shutterspeed in an STV interview?
  13. You can filter off everything below 75 Hz (ish) if its in standard tuning, will generally just be mud and a bit of air. Boxy/boomy frequencies come in to play around 200-400Hz. To give it a bit of bite have a play around 2.8k and to brighten things up try around 5k - watch you dont make it too harsh though. Also, try different layers of different tones (ie) clean, crunch, overdrive, super overdriven. See if you get a balance between them you like better. Hard panning is also good when using layers for creating a big feeling of width.
  14. My album of the year, released on Christmas Day - http://happyparticles.bandcamp.com/ Also in the top 3 would be Conquering Animal Sound and Mogwai.
  15. £6.30! That is ridiculous. Most of the places i play at in Glasgow are 3 pounds for a game.
  16. Cool. Well i'm warning you now, i only play with Aberdeen...so be ready for that.
  17. I know that someone ordered a single studio monitor from GAK i think, as he couldn't afford the pair at the time. On delivery though, 2 showed up for the price of one! Bastard! Had a couple of good buys. Got a TC Electronic Nova Reverb for 80 quid new. I only found out a couple of months ago that these cost 230 new. There was nothing dodgy about it, went into Reverb and told them i wanted one, they said they were getting rid of all their TC stock, will do it for 80 pounds. Deal. Also got a good deal on an Orange head.
  18. BOOM! Meant to put a picture of this up ages ago.
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WT-pNYPYE4g This is pretty hilarious.
  20. Is it bad up in Aberdeen? Just seen Christy posting on FB that his Edinburgh-Aberdeen train was cancelled due to a shed hitting a train...
  21. The Zagreb coach has been sacked as well.
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