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Lame Guitarist

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Everything posted by Lame Guitarist

  1. I used to stay at headland court and I hated the parking. One B*****D in particular used to park along the entrance to one of the parking bits completely blocking about 10 cars. Used to get on my tits every time. If i wasn't such a nice loon I would have put something unpleasant on his door handles! Used to be chaos there to get parked in the evenings. Now I kinda have the same pet hate where i stay. On the entrance to my road 2 vans park at either side of each other as they don't have big enough driveways. Not their fault i know but its tight to get through them with my car (4x4) Imagine if i had a few bevvies and my judgement was off, I could seriously damage my car
  2. Go do your ironing woman and make me a pizza
  3. so what about labour at the recent elections eh?
  4. I need to make some custom length power supply leads, For my voodoo labs pedal powers. Any idea's what best cable there is for these?
  5. Soldering is usually easy but I had no-one to help with holding the jacks and cable so numerous burns and blisters later! I need to get some kind of clamp thing for my workbench to hold them
  6. Same here, I remember my first electric guitar was a vester (fender copy) strat and i had a sovtek practice amp. I saved for 2 years to get myself a jackson guitar that was 500 or something like that. I was on a YTS apprenticeship wage which was 35 a week of which i saved a tenner every week for that guitar. I still have it. Same with my amp. I saved for ages to get a hughes and kettner attax 80. I still get the same buzz I had back then when I try gear I like and buy it. I still have to save up if I want something, If i had my way I would be out spending and selling the clothes on my back to get anything music related but the better half keeps it in line and lets me off the leash about every 3 months. I still remember last year trying to sneak 2 Bogner cabs into the house hoping she wouldn't notice as it was only a month after I bought the Roadster!! lol
  7. anyway speaking of gear, anyone any experiance of leads and jacks? I was making leads at the weekend and my fingers are scarred to bits with the solder iron! lol I was thinking that maybe to save the bother I should get some of these George L cables? Apparently they are solderless. Heard mixed reviews on this and in my opinion A lead that isn't soldered is a problem when you gig as 9 times out of 10 its going to fail. Just my opinion but I think leads should be soldered to the jacks. Anyone on this forum used these types of leads and jacks and whats their thoughts? I think maybe in a rack where they are fixed it might be worthwhile giving it a try but I need convinced. I noticed there isn't really a price difference on them compared to buying normal instrument jacks of good quality and decent cable
  8. I know, Seems I should sell it to please people and get myself a Roland Cube or something I don't care if some folk don't like other folk with expensive gear. I have worked hard to get it and I am obsessed with buying gear and building rigs. The bigger the better I say In all honesty I am better at building rigs than guitar playing but it won't stop me buying and playing gear whether its expensive or not. When I was 18 I used to dream of owning Mesa Boogies and stuff like that.
  9. Why would it be ironic anyway to use a 5k rig for band practices? A lot of people act like its taboo. I don't see the problem if i did. I have a lot of gear and want to use it as much as i can. If i take my Diezel and a Bogner cab to a band practice thats a 3.5k rig so there isn't that much of a difference. Or is this me being frowned upon by people that slate other musicians for using expensive gear? Should the same apply to guitars? Should you practice with a 2.5k les paul custom or should you practice with a 100 westfield les paul copy as its just for practice I don't see the problem and its my gear so if I want to use it for a practice then I would. I have a good job that pays for my obsession and I have a very understanding better half that encourages me to buy gear I want. I would still buy it even if I didn't earn a penny out of playing.
  10. LOL, Yeah - Its a gigging set up actually. Or it will be when i finally finish it.
  11. Trust me it sounds superb, It may be a 250 quid preamp going through 4K of amps but it really works for certain sounds. honestly sounds real good. I was suprised when i tried that wee thing. Sounded really good, I have made a few adjustments internally and better tubes which make it even better. Boosting it with a few pedals as well. I was hoping to put my triaxis in that rack as well but I am getting a few ground issues and stereo / mono issues that are conflicting with using the full stereo capability of the G major so I either need to buy another G major or get back to the drawing board. Took me long enough to get each amp to use the same Effects when they run together
  12. Put This wee practice rig together at the weekend. Bought that wee blackstar that sounds superb after a tube change and a few tweeks. Its only 5 watts but with the switching systems i can use it through the power sections of the Mesa's for a bigger sound.
  13. Watched Human Traffic last night, forgot how good that film was. A young Danny Dyer who had one of the best roles in it as well
  14. Has your log-in been hijacked?? that really deserves a lifetime ban on this forum PS Are the chicks hot in it??
  15. If you just post me that geetah sir, I will ony be too happy to send you nothing back
  16. Had a few of these myself. PM's which may be honest but I am pretty wary. Guys from down south that ask if a mate from glasgow or something like that can pick up the item while the original purchaser will send up a cheque! Nae chance!! I think someone would have to be pretty dim to fall for sending an item to someone you don't know and wait for them to send the cash. I bet there are people out there that fall for it though. Think since the recession there has been a massive increase in this kind of fraud
  17. Not Bass. but I bought a deluxe recently and love it. I wasn't keen on the pick-ups (samarium cobalt noiseless), they were ok but i upgraded them to Dimarzio and its miles better now. Its a lovely guitar and the neck just feels really smooth to play. I would honestly say that i don't notice much difference between it and my standards though. I think fenders quality is pretty good just now. Tried a few standards, deluxes and sig models out and really I think the quality is superb on all them. There are obviously things better on each model like pickups but once you set it up to your own needs I think the standards would play just as good as any deluxe or sig model
  18. Sorry, this stuff is now gone. Mods, can you close this thread please?
  19. You should maybe look at the Blackstar amps. I am sure that you can get some of the models for near 500 which is not that far off your budget.
  20. Funny you should mention Blackstar. They are apparently cracking amps that I am suprised no-one has recommended yet on this thread. Heard a lot of good reviews on them. I was thinking about them when Bruce Millers got stock but the only thing that put me off was no effects loop on the models they had there. I have heard there is a small head, HT5 it could be called, and its getting a lot of praise for its nice warm overdrive and voicing. Might try and get my hands on one. Think I would avoid Chinese made amps after the bugera amp scare stories that have cropped up on the net. Pics of them after their transformers and circuits melted while playing
  21. not a very good one but I can take some more
  22. Right, Buying a new PRS possibly this week so I am offloading a couple of my guitars that don't get used. 1 - Gibson Les Paul Standard 60's neck Honeyburst satin finish (Discontinued model now) 1200. Been gigged about 0nce 2 - Gibson SG 61 Reissue 1000. Stopped using SG's as my tastes are changing There are pics kicking round in the your gear topic of these. Both are in immaculate condition and I have had them for about a year I think.
  23. Slightly off topic but still relevant. I often wish Aberdeen or even the UK as a whole was a lot more in the American frame of mind when it comes to music. I read up on a lot of the American Music Forums, Especially Rig-Talk and I get jealous when it hits me how the Americans have a lot more going for them musically than over here. They are more enthusiastic and supportive when it comes to their local music scenes and generally about playing, Instruments, gear and music as a whole. There doesn't seem to be the arrogance that you get over here and also the UK seems to be getting more and more distant with the live music scene and focusing on giving more opportunities to manufactured pop. I had the chance not too long ago to relocate to Australia and the States but backed out. I do regret it now and wish i went just for the music scene! I just think countries like america have it so much better Also the bas****s have a better range of gear than us that we can't get over here without hassle and paying over the odds!!
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