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Me and Parvati

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Everything posted by Me and Parvati

  1. The Highwaymen (not those ones) Michael Row the Boat Ashore I'll get my coat.
  2. Nearly forgot - Sam'n'Max Hit the Road!
  3. And anyway, three or four, we still need some games where we have to think. Simon the Sorcerer, Indiana Jones, Full Throttle, anyone?
  4. As far as I know' date=' there were only the three. And I've got to agree with Swingin' Ryan, need more games where you have to [i']think instead of blowing the shit out of everyone all the time. Now, where's my rope, lump of putty and stick...............
  5. Find the turps your Mum cleaned her paintbrush with, put some on a cloth/kitchen towel, rub off as much paint as you can. Then soap and water to get the turps off yer feet - it'll sting if it's left. If no turps, (or turpentine substitute) then soap and water and a brillo pad. (God I'm sad.) Then plan how to persuade your Mum that an alien with feet exactly the same as yours materialised in the bathroom.......
  6. I'm sure I saw some of my family in there. Calling me...... Wooo. I'm here! I'm here! (It's time for the medication.)
  7. the Mitchell hall (or whatever the one beside Robt Gordon's College is called... Was that where I saw Ivor Cutler? Famously irascible, stopped the show after a few minutes when some last-minuters stumbled in, growled "you're late", then waited until they sat down before carrying on. We could feel the glow from their beamers on the back of our necks...
  8. Larson! Just the funniest - remember the one where... and the one the bears... and Ali flunks his.. Oh, shite, just all of them really. I find that people either crack up, or stare blankly. (You know who you are....)
  9. Lou Reed, Apollo 73 Deep Purple, Caird Hall, 73 ISB Music Hall 73/4(?) Flamin Groovies, Union 76(?) Matt McGinn, Dunvegan 76 Lene Lovich, Capitol 79ish Ted Hawkins, Capitol, Music Hall, Gloucester Hotel 80s Butch Hancock, Jimmy Dale Gilmour, Perth 93 Dick Gaughan, Lemon Tree 95? Jim Malcolm, Ellon 95
  10. 1973-4 the price of oil rocketed; the price of LPs was bumped up by ~ 30%.... 1985 the price of oil plummeted. Strangely, records didn't drop in price. At all. 1979 - "Home taping is killing music!" - the major labels wanted to slap a levy on blank cassettes because (shock! horror!) people were taping their mates' LPs instead of buying their own - the industry was on the verge of collapse, artists would soon starve to death etc.. 2004 - "File sharing is killing music" blah blah blah. 2004 - A label (Decca?) asks for help to find a pile of artists due back royalties. "We feel it is our moral duty to pay these people what they're due" One of the artists is David Bowie. How hard are they looking? Major record labels are a business. They make money. Fuck art, they make money. You share files; that's money they think they should have. They are rich, you are poor, they have lawyers: pay up, scum. If anyone on these boards believes that any major label bases it's decision to sign an artist on their belief in the intrinsic quality of that artists' work rather than the immediate commercial possibilities, then they need to gie themsels a bliddy good shak. Sorry, got a bit grumpy there, and I know many labels are better than that, just let me get that off my kite. J.
  11. "but man can't live on wild turkey alone, even though it's eight years old and a hundred and one proof....."
  12. 'Scuse me son, Can ye tell me far te find a nursie? I AM A NURSE, MADAM!
  13. No. 9 - Jackson C. Frank (et al) - Blues Run The Game No. 20 - Donovan - Atlantis? How'd I do?
  14. Eh? retires, heed nippin', een wattrin'....
  15. Missed the first two - got to make this one
  16. And that's not how you spell 'Crucifixion', gype.
  17. Scared the living shite out of people who up 'till then thought Bernard Manning and Rod Hull were the cutting edge of comedy. Check the uproar surrounding his 'Crucifiction' routine. And 'Game On' was as funny as piles - characters you prayed would fall victim to a travelling axe-murderer. With a blunt axe.
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