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Everything posted by Stripey

  1. borrrrrrrrrrring, and the singer is crap even by the low standards of this genre. Listening to this makes me picture a downsyndrome kid bashing his head off a wall repeatedly. The breakdown around 2:50 seems out of time or something aswell.
  2. I know, I'm agreeing with you I reckon there is something liberating about accepting the absence of meaning to life and the inevitability (and complete normality) of death, there's no point in worrying about it.
  3. I kinda see life as being fundamentally meaningless, even if you "make a difference" all you are doing is impacting the life of other humans who are also going to die, that in itself means nothing. You might say that people like mozart or einstein live on, in some sense, as a result of their work, but now that they are dead, what difference does that make to them personally?
  4. Completely irrelevant to what? "To think of death, as everybody does sooner or later, causes anxiety. The only sure way to end anxiety once and for all is death."
  5. Stripey


    http://www.eviltree.de/zoomquilt/zoom.htm I wonder how they made that...
  6. you are a retard, congratulations.
  7. I use: a computer, some software, a midi controller, and some speakers.
  8. hahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa shoot them all
  9. There are no good chipshops in aberdeen, because they are all fucking MINGING. Seriously, what is wrong with Scotland, all the "local" food is vile, unhealthy, bland, barely edible crap, soaked in grease. Where are the fucking patisseries and quality takeaways? Typical Aberdeen food : Fish and Chips - badly cooked fish (nearly always haddock or cod) covered in shitty batter with a portion of soggy chips oozing grease - DISGUSTING Pies and sausage rolls from bakers - Mystery meat stinking of onions, catfood, and old grannies houses, covered in the worst pastry you can imagine - DISGUSTING Cakes and buns from bakers - tasteless shit made with the worst ingredients, with added chemicals and usually stale, kept in fly infested counters. Honestly, where else in the world does a bit of stale shortbread with icing on it count as a TREAT? Go to just about any other country on the planet and decent, healthy, tasty food is available, so why not scotland?
  10. ohhhhh the controversy! Clearly MMW are too big now to need any support from Aberdonians! So yeah, we're all wankers/cunts, lets argue about it like they hope we will, because all publicity is good publicity apparently! Mind you, if looked like I'd been hit in the face with a spade at birth and then shrunk in the wash I might have a little pent up anger too.
  11. it's just an audio editor, you need something like cubase, logic, or FL
  12. this really didn't do anything for me, think I'd need to be under 18 and pissed out of my brain to glean any sort of pleasure from it. To be honest, it just conjures up the image of a classroom full of downs-syndrome kids having simultaneous epilleptic fits, and, once the tune finishes, smearing themselves with their own excrement while grinning wildly, waiting for the teacher to give them a gold star. 2/10, 1 point for having the mental capacity to co-ordinate picking up your instruments and playing at the same time, and a 2nd point for sounding marginally less monotonous than my washing machine.
  13. interesting, i preferred the mp3 you posted a couple weeks ago though. It does come together nicely towards the end. PM with your msn id man!
  14. The guy is a like a diet version of liam gallagher in that he has no artistic merit and behaves like he is some kind of superstar, which in his tiny mind justifies his drug abuse. Buying a ticket to go and see him is just retarded, it's a shame you can't get a refund off a tout. Seriously, who gives a shit about this twat except the NME reading dimwits who are dumb enough to buy into it. Well done, you paid to see him play, and at the same time bought a ticket entitling you to an excursion up your own arse. It must be great fun living in mongland, being led into nothingness by a procession of fools.
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