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Everything posted by Hugh_Jazz

  1. Jings, it's a sair fecht being a Dundee fan. What an utterly shite situation.
  2. What is clear is that it hit his arm, but was it deliberate? I didn't like it at the time because it was wellied at him from point blank range and he had his back to the ball......but he was fecking stupid to throw his arms in the air, intentional or not. By the absolute letter of the law, I don't think it should be a pen because I think there's sufficient doubt as to whether he intentionally handled or not. But back in the real world, those get given all the time, so no real complaints.
  3. We just really struggled to find time for practice. Seemed like there was always someone unavailable due to work committments, and I just had to admit defeat with it. I don't tend to play much unless I'm playing with a band, so lately, my playing has basically stopped altogether. Really hope they manage to find some way of keeping it going, they've written some really nice tunes....be a shame if nobody gets to hear them. Luckily for them, they haven't lost one of their more creative members!
  4. ....and best of all, I can blame the whole thing on Whittaker. Gave away a pen. Red card. Typical bastard Hun.
  5. Ach well. It was a bliss few minutes at least.
  6. Shite decision. Just shite. How the fuck can you give a deliberate handball when a) the ball is smacked from point blank range, and b) the defender has his back to the ball?
  7. That goal last night was ridiculous. If he wasn't such an arrogant wee shite, he would never have tried it. I like that.
  8. Do you shit 50 notes or something? Seriously though....why bother? You've got a Premier you apparently haven't used, a DW that is still box fresh, and now this. What. Is. The. Point.
  9. Experienced, 30(ish) year old drummer looking for gigging band. Reliable, own gear, own transport, KC-registered, loyal, adorable, excellent with kids blah, blah, blah.... Varied tastes, although recent experience has been in soul, motown and blues, so looking for something different. Never been in a metal band before, so would quite fancy that. Both covers and originals considered. No function bands please. PM if interested.
  10. I was just reading this thread thinking "Get a job you bunch of lazy fuckers, I'm at the office". Then i realised the 10th was yesterday....a Sunday.
  11. Re. the drumkit, if you want it to stay in decent nick for any length of time, I suggest you put a notice on the kit telling all drummers if they want to adjust the position of the toms or height of the cymbal stands, that they do not need to apply 1,000,000,000 lb/ft of torque to every wingnut on the effin' kit! This drives me up the wall at Toms and MV. It's not really their fault, but clearly some of the drummers using their equipment need a lesson in how to look after stuff.
  12. Aye, that's why I never go to Slaters. They're fucking horrendous in there for ambushing customers when they walk in the door.
  13. I found out today that my boss has got a house on Hawaii, and Dave Murray from Iron Maiden is living there right now.
  14. Hang on....you got a Premier kit only a year ago, which you haven't played yet o_O (apparently because of not having cases o_Oo_O).....and now you'ev bought a DW? o_Oo_Oo_O Furthermore, a DW that sounds very much like the Premier kit you still haven't used o_Oo_Oo_O Isn't the whole point of buying instruments, ye know, to play them? Sounds like you've got some lovely kit, but this still strikes me as mightily odd behaviour.
  15. Agree...but if Hartley, Aluko, Fyvie, Pawlett were fit, Young wouldn't be getting a look-in. He should enjoy his run in the side while it lasts.
  16. Yeah, it was almost a 5-2-3 we were playing. If we can sort out the defensive fuck-ups, we've got a strong squad this year, with a genuine goal threat for the first time in ages. As long as we keep playing Ifil though, we'll never be strong defensively. He was shite before his confidence was shot to pieces, now look at him.
  17. BBC News - Segway boss Jimi Heselden dies in scooter cliff fall I know I shouldn't, but.... .....MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
  18. Langfield is just awful. He's a good shotstopper, but almost all pro keepers are decent shot-stoppers these days. The main differentiators between good and bad keepers are handling, command of your penalty box and distribution. Langfield is shite at all three. His distribution is really unbelievably bad. Why he can't just put his laces through the ball when kicking from hand, instead of trying to pretend that he's Gigi Buffon is a fucking joke. Even when he rolls the ball out, he gives it to a defender who is immediately under pressure. Langfield yesterday was every bit as bad as Howard at Tannadice. I'll bet you any money that he's in the squad next week though.
  19. It's fucking hilarious, but more importantly, Carli or Charlotte?
  20. Sold! I'm on hols next week, but will easy drop it off in town the first time I'm there after I get back (sometime during week beginning Mon 20th Sep). Want to PM me your mobile no. and we can make arrangements when I'm back in town? Cheers Neil
  21. I'm getting rid of a drum mat that I've never used....still in it's box. Was just going to chuck it in the skip, but it might as well go to a good home. Free to anyone who wants it.
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