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Everything posted by Hugh_Jazz

  1. Hugh_Jazz

    World Snooker

    I'm going to be fucking useless at work tomorrow. Worth it though....I've survived the shittest snooker final of all time. Kudos to me.
  2. Hugh_Jazz

    World Snooker

    Apparently the 1983 Cliff Thorburn vs Terry Griffiths match went until 3:51am...and that was only the 2nd round!
  3. Hugh_Jazz

    World Snooker

    Dott would be on the Aftershocks by now.
  4. Hugh_Jazz

    World Snooker

    Anyone got a couple of beer mats?
  5. Hugh_Jazz

    World Snooker

    Sweet baby jesus and the orphans. Robbo has the frame in his hands and misses a routine black by a country mile. The agony continues.
  6. Hugh_Jazz

    World Snooker

    Totally....but these are 2 guys known as decent break builders! the only reason it's degenerating into this tactical farce is because they're running scared of making mistakes. Robertson is taking fucking forever on every shot. Man the fuck up and play your natural games lads.
  7. Hugh_Jazz

    World Snooker

    Good luck to you lads if you're going to gut it out until the end. This is really dreadful stuff to watch.
  8. Hugh_Jazz

    World Snooker

    In that case, wouldn't you have gone straight to the police or 'fessed up to the WPBSA when you got back to the UK just to set the record straight? Given that his manager was one of the WPBSA top brass, it was surely pretty easy for them to fix this before it ever went public.
  9. But being realistic, how does he prove it? The squad is tiny and the players are horrendous, almost all of whom have been inherited. OK, he signed McLean who hasn't been banging them in, but is that because he's been a bad signing, or because our useless midfield has no concept of how to attack and create chances? Personally, I favour the latter. The gutless streak in the Dons has been there for years and years, so he needs to be given a chance to do the rebuilding job that obviously needs done. The constant media-driven implication that his job should be under threat, and that the lack of effort is his fault is as tired as it is incorrect. I think it's a shame that the strain is showing, but I can't say I'm surprised. I think the pressure and abuse being heaped on him is hugely unfair. If anyone thinks another manager could do miles better with this squad, they're kidding themselves.
  10. That handball decision is fucking ridiculous. He had absolutely no chance of avoiding it. EDIT: But you've got to love Mourinho's celebration.....get it right fuckin up ye!
  11. Some goal for a centre-back!
  12. Maybe BDC have stopped stocking Axis pedals.....only UK distributor according to Axis' website is eDrum Ltd, based in Edinburgh. 519 for the Longboard double....+ 50 for a case. Oocha.
  13. Have used Brum Drum Centre before, was just hoping to try before I buy which is clearly gonna be difficult.....they're hoorin' expensive pedals, and not keen on making an expensive mistake Has anyone got any anecdotal reviews they could share.....anyone tried them out personally? Are they in any way difficult to get used to? There's no chain/strap so I'm guessing they feel quite different? Do you need to change your technique at all? Any info appreciated.
  14. Thinking about investing in an Axis Longboard double pedal. Does anyone know the nearest dealer?
  15. ...but would you keep him on next season? My impression is that a lot of Toon fans are convinced he won't be able to cut it in the Premiership. Seems a bit harsh given what he's done this year. Surely he's earned his chance?
  16. Could have sworn we did this thread before, but anyhoo: Sonor SQ2 maple in ridiculous tiger-stripe paint job 22x18"BD, 14x5"SD, 10x9", 12x10", 14x14"FT, 16x16"FT DW Collectors maple (for sale, if anyone is interested!): Same sizes as above. Purple lacquer finish - chrome hardware. Tama StarClassic 14x6 SD Premier Modern Classic 14x3.5 piccolo SD Pacific 10" soprano SD Zildjian: 14" K Mastersound hats 13" A Newbeat Hats 16" A Custom crash 17" K Custom fast crash 20" K Custom ride 10" K splash 16" Oriental china trash Mixture of Sonor 600 series, and DW 9000 series stands DW 5000 hi hat stand Pearl remote hat Pearl Eliminator double pedal Toca Mambo cowbell Remo clear Emperor heads Evans Resonant bottom heads Remo coated Ambassador SD head Aquarian Super Kick II BD head Vater 5A sticks Protection Racket/Hardcase cases Beyerdynamic Opus mics
  17. Paterson. An alcoholic manic depressive who left the club in the boot of a car. Case closed.
  18. The Red Dawg website is now up and running, and thought I would share the demo tune we've uploaded....recorded late last year at the Mill in Bunk'ry. I hesitate to call it a "new" track.....Spike wrote it ages ago, but given the band hasn't gigged much of late, I don't know if many will have heard it. Comments most welcome. http://www.reddawg.co.uk/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderfiles/wantedwoman.mp3 Cheers Neil
  19. Aww shucks, many thanks for that....I'll make sure this gets passed onto Janie....not sure if she ever frequents ab-mus. We're just in the process of getting a website setup (Red Dawg) where we'll be publishing details of forthcoming gigs among other things. One of our demo tunes we recorded at the Mill is on their now. Thanks again.....thought the Haiti gig was awesome, and a great result with the fundraising.
  20. I was just about to ridicule this for being the most pointless thread ever....but Monica Belluci just made it awesome. Bravo.
  21. Sorry, but just how good is Lionel Messi? I haven't seen anyone this good since another Argentinian short-arse in 1986. In fact, fuck it.....he's better than him n'all.
  22. Sorry Murrr, but this made me LOL. The Daily Mash - NEWCASTLE FANS TO RESUME INEXPLICABLE SELF-CONFIDENCE
  23. Is anyone else getting totally hacked off with Sky's commentator's insistence on calling Michael Paton "Michael Patton"? What's worse was that Andy Walker began the game calling him Paton, and then started calling him "Patton" later on just to conform with the useless cunt sat next to him. I hate this kind of amateurish, illiterate crap.
  24. I'd pay money to see that twat shot out of a cannon. I physically can't listen to 5Live when he's on. Incidentally, how the fuck did Drogba not get flagged offside? Wasn't even close.
  25. Liquid football. Fucking loved seeing Henry getting a massive cheer when he came on, and then immediately booed as soon as he touched the ball. Made me smile.
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