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Everything posted by Hugh_Jazz

  1. Probably not that easy. For one thing, the playa covers hundreds of square miles, and for motion of the rocks to be visible, you'd have to setup the camera on something that isn't itself going to move. Where woud you put the camera?
  2. I think the idea is that the ground is submerged following a flash flood, and only the surface of the floodwater freezes over. The ground itself is basically unfrozen, wet, slippery clay.
  3. Agreed....Courtney Pine gig was fantastic. Just an awesome group of musicians. Long set too!
  4. Reckon that's pretty close. Best I could come up with was that the playa floods and makes the clay slippery...and then it freezes over into a thin ice sheet (floating on water). High winds then blow the "ice sheet" creating the sliding trails, this explains why rocks of various sizes can move the same distance and in the same direction, because they're locked within the ice sheet and their positions relative to each other remain the same If the wind direction changes, the entire ice sheet will move in a different direction....hence the "corners" in the slide paths that the rocks take. Doubt this is 100% right.....I've still got a hard time believing that a 300kg rock, will essentially float on a 2" deep lake. Nature is ace.
  5. BBC Sport - Chick Young's view Aarrrgh, what a horrible, hobbit-faced, cliche-and-metaphor-ridden fuckwit.
  6. As a geologist, I thought this was a cool WTF moment. Racetrack Playa in Death Valley, California has a phenomena called the Sliding Stones: Some of these rocks are hundreds of kilograms in weight, yet are apparently moved by natural forces. Question is, how? Many neighbouring rocks, often of very different size, follow congruent paths i.e. they begin moving, and end moving at the same point e.g: Some even turn sharp corners e.g.: A few facts about Death Valley......it is extremely hot and dry (< 2" of annual rainfall on average), but when it rains, it rains hard. The playa is almost perfectly flat, but is surrounded by mountains. Annual temperature maxes out at >50degC, but can go sub-zero during the winter. See if you can guess how this happens, without the use of Google. Fact is, nobody really knows how this happens. I think this is cool as fuck.
  7. Hugh_Jazz


    Return flights. They take me back. ----------------------------------------- I'm so fed up with my dog. He chases anyone on a bike. I think I might take away his bike.
  8. BBC Sport - Scotland U21 2-1 Austria U21 Fuck me. I had no idea Bebo would come across so articulately in interview o_O
  9. Who the fuck is the guy doing the Scotland commentary on the BBC highlights? He's absolutely terrible, and the perfect accompaniment for the useless cunts on the pitch.
  10. Seriously dudes....this thread is the worst. Drumming is not a track and field event, and is not measurable by how fast or loud you do it, or by copying some sheet music for a grade exam. The whole concept of "best" is rubbish of the highest order. Like any other instrument, musicality is the only thing that counts, and that is inherently subjective. Is Meg White a drummer? Yes, she plays the drums, so she's a drummer. If she played any other way, the White Stripes would sound different. Would it make their music sound better? Doubtful. Ringo Starr wasn't exactly the most technical player ever, but few would deny how important he was to the Beatles sound....Meg White is no different. Frankly, anyone who can make a living out of playing music must be good enough to make people buy it....you wouldn't pay the money if you thought it was shit.....and since I don't see many of you earning a crust on stage, maybe y'all should put the snobby bullshit aside.
  11. I genuinely thought he was. He defended well, won tackles and used the ball pretty well.....sure he's not Cafu, but I'd rather have a LB that does his primary job well (ie. defending), than e.g. Mulgrew or Foster, who don't.
  12. You're right, but I just can't believe that this deal hasn't been done in the context of other deals that are being finalised as we speak....e.g Basey? He's perhaps not a recognised full-back, but Considine was probably our best player last Saturday.....I for one, wouldn't mind seeing him continue there.
  13. BBC Sport - Football - Aberdeen target a swap deal with Rangers for Velicka This would be a great deal, but I've got to ask what the Huns want with Foster. He's a useless spaz.
  14. "Jordison is noted for simultaneously playing two bass drums" What an innovator.
  15. Poor lad. Getting cruciate damage at 17 years old could be a fucking disaster. He's an excellent player in the making. Fingers crossed for him.
  16. If you can find anyone better, let me know. I wouldn't have given them repeat custom if they were shit.
  17. Agree in part. Sure, you dont have to spend the earth on a good set of drums and your comment about heads is bang on. A top notch kit with shit or poorly tuned heads will sound like bollocks whatever it's price tag. That said, whether someone can do it justice or not has nothing to do with anything. Anyone, at any level of playing, can (and should) buy whatever gear makes them happy. Personally, I like spending my money on top-flight gear and I get loads of enjoyment from playing it. Do I do it justice? Fuck knows. If that makes me a 'brand snob' then guilty as charged.
  18. Absolute stinker for Fyvie. According to afc.co.uk, he was stretchered off after catching his studs on the pitch. Fuck plastic pitches.
  19. Alloa 0-2 Dons HT. Cup shock on the cards at Recreation Park....
  20. Is that the Keith Moon one?
  21. There's a place on Chapel Street or Rose Street that I've used a few times.....cheap, fast and good. Forget what it's called. Might be that "A Alterations" place you mentioned.
  22. Don't know much about the rest of their kit, but I had a go of an 18" Brady bass drum about 3 years ago in Bruce Millers. Lovely.
  23. Don't like DW. Buying one was a big mistake. Could never get on with the thing for some reason....dunno why, but I hated it. Sound was decent enough, just found it horrid to play. Also, the shells badly warped on me....so much so that you have to force heads onto the bearing edges. All this despite the kit being stored in perfect conditions of temperature and humidity. Crap.
  24. Darren Mackie.....you beautiful, beautiful man.
  25. Probably not without falling foul of copyright...
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