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Everything posted by historicrocker

  1. Possibly the most fun I've had all week! Bloody great!
  2. Wow, that spec pisses all over my PC. Damn.
  3. Damn! That got me so worked up when everyone said msn was working. Unfortunately not
  4. In fact it's quite clear that because noone knows me on LJ the surprise factor was completely unseeable
  5. I don't know it's just that I've never joined a community on LJ
  6. I like the new album, it's not a patch on 100 Broken Windows or Hope Is Important but it has great peaks like El Capitan and Too Long Awake. Chances are I'll still buy it. What other good music do you see coming our way apart from Bloc Party? Please no witty responses
  7. I'm in the same boat! I joined a Bright Eyes community for God's sake
  8. Kids these day wouldn't appreciate Bob Dylan. I was greeted to many frowns putting it on in my common room. Bastards
  9. I love Bright Eyes... I don't like how everyone's suddenly jumping on the "I heart Conor Oberst" bandwagon and everyone suddenly doesn't like so much of that shite Mars Volta anymore. Sorry... controversial. And "oh indie music is so cool if I buy it I'll be cool too": I hope that's not the logic behind the recent upsurge of indie music or it is a very sad case indeed. I like what I like... what I like being mainly the Pixies, Radiohead and Bright Eyes. I was never told about these bands and tried hard to find a specific taste in music that I could relate to most of the time. It's personally sickening to see the music that I love as a fador something that people are suddenly open to criticise. My music is very personal and affecting to me and it pisses me off when someone goes "oh they're shit" or "they've got a couple of decent songs" as though the band is insignificant and not really worth the effort. I'll prefer my chances staying off the indie bandwagon right now and like the music I want to like.
  10. "-Pursues dangerous cult religions. Such include: Satanism, Scientology, Philosophy, Paganism, Wicca, Hinduism and Buddhism." Basically saying that christianity's the only way to go... sort of elitist I'd say
  11. "some warning signs" Perhaps they ought to just deal with it. It's not a disease or anything. Bloody church trying to find something to say
  12. Well it's about time they started admitting that IE is a pile of crap
  13. This year's T in the Park doesn't sound too good. First of all I dislike the Foo Fighters and secondly cannot stand Prodigy. Turn to the Leeds festival: I hear tell of a Muse performance.
  14. Bah bah bah bah bah (it claims that just "bah" is too short)
  15. I don't want Kate Winslett to win the Oscar... not that she doesn't deserve it but... it's like the music I listen to: I hate it when it becomes popular and everyone has this cheap magazine-influenced respect for it. Same with Kate Winslett, she definitely deserves some sort of respect for here acting but the Oscar has just become this horrible symbol of status which I can't stand. I hate it so much. Argh!
  16. I swear I got cramp in my jaw once
  17. I like the song... not really a good single, but there's not really anything bad about it
  18. I don't actually know where I was headed with that :\
  19. Maybe that's why you got the leg cramp
  20. Haha, I was going to make that comment but no-one likes a smart-arse
  21. Let's face it: I'll never be in publicity for bands
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