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Everything posted by historicrocker

  1. I really hate you... maybe not Kasabian... but I hate you for saying Razorlight. Hang your head in shame. Also, who could think Vice is a bad song? It's incredible EDIT: In response to Sam's laughing at Kasabian and Razorlight
  2. I like it a lot. I didn't hear Banquet 'til about December but it was really good. Hoping to hear a lot more from them after this album. I haven't got the album yet though. I have no money at the mo but I'm prioritising it over my most needed album, Digital Ash In A Digital Urn. I really do need this album... so very good
  3. Watching The OC on Sunday I had my ears ready for a great soundtrack... The Walkmen were on. I hadn't heard this song before, but I'll buy the dvd just for that one moment when the band are playing and everything just falls apart. "What's In It For You"... I'm so sorry I hadn't heard this a long time ago.
  4. What are these scene points people are talking so much about? How long have I been away?!
  5. It's like that time I was listening to That Girl by McFly... then again The Kinks are a much more distinguished band than McFly will ever be. "Blueberry Pie"... and odd spoof version of that crap Mercedes Benz advert song. Ahh, so funny
  6. I was playing cat and mouse or whatever you call it when you're nine-years-old and are trying to stick your head in a cat house while your brother moves it away from yoy resulting in me hitting my forhead off the edge of a concrete step... also smashing my face into a lampost while on my bike when being told to go "faster.... FASTER!" *shudders* haunting memories...
  7. *sigh* Montel... the days where there were more morning shows other than bloody Trisha
  8. A good film that was on tv lately was You Can Count On Me
  9. You know there's a question that's inevitably going to be asked... why didn't you let it fall?
  10. Who's new? I thought rat girl was enough
  11. I'm also bemused by why that would possibly improve your ability at playing
  12. Sam is discovering the joys of Bright Eyes and insomnia
  13. I think all Tom Cruise's recent films have been brilliant including Collateral. For example Vanilla Sky, Minority Report and The Last Samurai... all amazing films
  14. Ahaha, that's great, first time I found you funny. Sorry if I offended you or anything. I'll refrain from doing so in the future
  15. He held the opinion that because the lyrics weren't up to scratch on this band that they were pretentious. Of course he always fails to look at the music they make or whether they really care
  16. Thought so. He can't spell pretentious either
  17. Who are you anyway... I'll go on a whim and say Sam due to all the Interpol/Modest Mouse/Death Cab For Cutie music in your profile.
  18. I got signed out halfway during sending a file.. dammit. My name's historicrocker on lj for those who wish to abuse me
  19. Meh, I don't keep up with these things. Last time I checked they weren't that popular
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