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Everything posted by Lonz

  1. Lonz0987 Up for a game at the moment.
  2. It was actually an invention MJ made himself and he got it patented: Method and means for creating anti ... - Google Patent Search
  3. Anyone know where to get decent bacon or sausage rolls in the City Centre? Greggs and the Gordon bakery near Dee Street have been quite poor with their rolls recently and i'm looking for a change.
  4. Lonz


    Two women were sitting quietly, minding their own business....
  5. Couldn't agree more. I've liked most of Kaufman's stuff but Synecdoche was so difficult to follow. I think it's one of those movies you need to watch again but I just didn't have the motivation to do that.
  6. Play Space is Key, a free online game on New Cave QWOP
  7. Great trailer. I'll wait for a look at the gameplay before I decide on the game itself though. Also:
  8. He got 3 goals in 11 games but then his club ran into financial problems and stopped paying his hotel bill which led to him being evicted. Not long after that he terminated his contract with them.
  9. "Put out an APB for a male suspect, driving a... car of some sort, heading in the direction of, uh, you know, that place that sells chilli. Suspect is hatless. Repeat, hatless."
  10. Burning Embers on King St does some cracking one off furniture pieces if your looking for something different for your home. Hooring expensive though.
  11. Absolutely flabbergasted at the decision to sack Houghton. No other word comes close to describing it. What are Ashley and Llambias up to?
  12. Quite interested in the PSP. How much are you looking for it?
  13. Lonz

    Pet Hates!

    The redonkulous amount of time it takes some drivers to turn left from a major road into a minor road. The fact the word 'redonkulous' has somehow entered my lexicon. I caught myself saying it to someone the other day. The word lexicon.
  14. Good stuff. Looking forward to nipping along, its been a while since I've have any brewdog beer.
  15. Really looking forward to checking this place out, unfortunately a lack of funds til the end of the month has scuppered my plans. Out of interest is it a proper pub with no TV's etc. like the Moorings?
  16. Yes. The speed at my flat is fine (fairly new build) however my folks older house still had the ring wiring installed on the socket. Removing it improved their broadband speed greatly.
  17. I notice your ping times are horrendously bad which to me suggests the wiring at the phone socket in your house or the microfilter itself has failed (rare but it can happen). The first (and easiest) thing to do is replace the microfilter if you can. You usually get two in the box you got the broadband router in, if not a trip to B&Q\Maplin might be in order. I very much doubt it will be this and its more likely you would lose your connection every time the phone home rang instead but it's worth ruling out. The second thing I'd do is check the phone wiring in your house to confirm if it is the socket, here's a step by step guide: DSL ZoneUK - Improve your speed - Extension wiring and Disconnection help It's really easy to check. Basically you only want wires in sockets 2 and 5, you can remove all others.
  18. Lonz

    Fifa 11

    Yeah they've not been great on the Next-gen consoles. I think Pro Evo 4 was the series at its peak. Not sure if you're firmly tongue in cheek about Bendtner or not. I'm not a fan.
  19. Lonz

    Fifa 11

    So realism has gone out the window then! Haven't bought a Fifa game since World Cup '98 version as I've always been a Pro Evo man (harking back to ISS on the SNES) but the last version of Pro Evo was so disappointing that I downloaded the demo for Fifa 11 and so far I've been quite impressed. Fallout New Vegas and Black Ops upcoming release will probably mean I won't buy either football game until they come down in price or I receive a decent trade-in price for Halo Reach.
  20. Lonz

    Pet Hates!

    Use grooveshark instead. Same deal as Spotify minus the constant adverts.
  21. Looks like he's doing something about it himself: from NUFC.com
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