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Everything posted by tranzmute

  1. glad to brighten up ur day. try that pizza hut deal with the 4 varieties of pizza...its yum
  2. your local rubish bin may do one/ especially if you live in town. theres many a discarded pizza for not-birdy-seagul man to munch on
  3. sonic youth-pattern recognition janes addiction-three days the beatles-helter skelter the futureheads-hounds of love the source featuring candi staton-u got the love
  4. I really like it as well. post 9/11 effect is evident. Its pretty mellow in parts. plastic sun is one of my alltime fave tracks. I havnt listened to it in a while. I had it on constantly about two years ago but I would say its mayb my least fave sonic youth album. I rate 1000 leaves and experimental jetset....as two of the best but theya re all ace in my opinion
  5. tranzmute

    A new song!

    Thats an ace wee track. 10 out of 10 for originality
  6. Birdman or (not)-birdman....you are sicker than I previously thought.
  7. The new cardoard lassiters is great.
  8. although this is what came up for the spelliing Transmute. theres nothing for tranzmute spelt with a zed http://members.shaw.ca/legion_roll_call/legionnaires/element_lad/ he is element man
  9. good to see theres another female drummer out there. power to you. whats your bands name?
  10. Not surprising really is it. .... I dont think he makes very good decisions for the US, too much of Americas wealth relys on the exploitation of the third world.
  11. I wish Vimto was more freely availible. Its quite hard to get ahold of these days.
  12. I wittnessed such things once when I was there with my loved-ones. I couldnt beleive it. The drunker -bozzer-radge tried to hit the lad when he wouldnt give him some beers. Ive never been back since and as for things to do...the winter gardens...........loveley floral scents. Seaton park on a sunny day + the third world centre on a rainy one
  13. cats should be given respect ....de-clawing ,shaving ,bathing even(unless absoluley necessry) all counts as cruelty in my opinion.
  14. he was too busy trying to get laid
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