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Everything posted by Marsh

  1. I think he blew a fair amount of money at the bookies. Not as much as Willie Thorne, though! It's always amusing when Virgo and Thorne talk with superior authority and question players shot selction when, over their combined 40 odd years in the game, they have one UK Championship between them! Nice bloke though - He'll never better Big Break. "Hit that - there." "Pot as many balls as you can." He used to wear a comedy waistcoat every week as well. Telly gold. We're gonna be snookering you tonight.
  2. Marsh

    Noel Whelan

    He picked up a few knocks here but was just a lazy, unfit bastard who likes booze 'n' birds more than training. He is an amazingly naturally talented, skillful player who could have made it at the highest level but never due to a lack of application. You have to remember he was touted as a future England star but he had kids at a young age, split up with his girlfriend, really got into boozing and it all fell apart.
  3. Marsh

    Noel Whelan

    Other way round, dude. he never tried but he was a great player. We only saw half of what he was capable of. One of the best players in recent years to wear a red shirt. Would be on my list of "top 10 folk to go for a drinking session with."
  4. I got the DVD over Christmas - it's intense stuff!
  5. Marsh

    jose mourinho

    BBC SPORT | Football | Premiership | Mourinho makes apology to Johnson Yukitty yuuuuuuuuuuuuuk!
  6. Marsh


    Amazing console. A whole new way of playing. Red Steel is like learning to play computer games all over again. It's that good. I want one!
  7. Fish 'n' Chips savoury snacks - the greatest foodstuff of all time Irn Bru bars Candy cigarettes (white with a red centre) with fitba cards - awesome.
  8. I like the guy, he's very amusing and I did enjoy his NMTB appearances. He is of a rare breed that can take the piss out of himself. On that note, the man himslef has admitted that some of his musc is shit. I've read it in Q amongst other places. Lengthy, dual keyboard solos. Please! Just remembered he was fantastic on This is Your Life too
  9. Okay, maybe time has passed by quicker than I thought - it has been a while since the last two "best drummer" posts. So I apologise, Jager. I've just realised you are a) new to the forum and b) new to the area so fully out of order on my part. If you forgive me I'll bring Matt Cameron (Soundgarden) Alex Van Halen (Van Halen) Neil Peart (Rush) Joey Jordison (Slipknot) Stephen Morris (Joy Division / New Order) to the table.
  10. Aye, he can play all right - utter drivel. Self indulgent, flashy rubbish. While wearing a cape and eating a curry. I don't care if you can play a million notes at the same time and can play notes that never existed before or have ten thousnad synths on stage at once - if the tunes are shit it means nothing. Evrything about Rick Wakeman's music is shit and he fully deserves to be on the list. I mean, he did a fucking opera on ice about King Arthur or something, didn't he? He's a scream on Grumpy Old Men, though....................
  11. I think this has been covered. More than once...................
  12. Without a shadow of a doubt. Very expressive and loved his soloing. The best guitarist I ever saw in old Drakes! It's time for a repeat of the Jim documentary!
  13. What, using "gay" as a derogatory term, or citing Hamment as a "top 5 guitarist?"
  14. You are gonna have some hangover when you go back and look at this today..........
  15. What I mean is - your original questions looked like they were from a point of view of someone who thinks "all bouncers are bastards." which obviously is not the case. Some folk have one bad experience at the door of a venue and then think all bouncers would act in exactly the same way. Know what I mean?
  16. You'll know what I'm talking about then, MerryChristmas. I've got a few mates who are bouncers in Aberdeen and when folk talk about "bouncers" in general, it's iusually in a negative way. Wrong spy.......
  17. Silly me - the old psychic powers are not up to scratch the day.
  18. Just noticed another post you've put up about getting models for staff uniforms - are you opening a new venue or something? Are you the new owner of old Drakes?
  19. That's so broad it's impossible to answer. It's like asking "When you are on ab - music how do the users act?" Are you targeting somewhere specific? It varies so much from place to place it can't be answered in a general reply. For where? What day of the week? At what time? You need to be more specific. Did you have a bad experience last night? Whatever happened, don't tar all doorstaff with the same brush.
  20. Marsh

    Those two stars

    If ye need tae ask - ye da need tae ken
  21. EEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! I'll tell you what! Simply the best radio show of all time. It was a winner as he'd always play one of the three records off the Radio One playlist Mark & Lard got every day and give it an amusing name, like "That was my very special decorating chums there - Near A Van, with Smells Like White Spirit." The one where he worked in the tobacconists was amzingly close to the bone when the Vicar's wife came in and Harry gave her "his finest shag!" He sometimes descended into an almost Saville - esque "ohohohohohohohoh!!" It got somehwat sanitised towards the end when Mark had to state it was some "anecdotal storytelling" but was nevertheless amazing! Craig - it's time to seek out the amazing tape you made up crammed full of Fat Harry classics! I may have it in a black bag somewhere, but moving house twice dosen't help in finding stuff like this! There used to be a cracking website with loads of Fat Harry & Fat Lazz, but it's no longer around - boo! Anyone interested in this type of humour who has Sky TV should set the video tonight for Frank Sidebottom's Proper telly Show at 10:00pm on Channel M (number 202, I think.) It's the closet you get to old school Mark 'n' Lard type humour. Oh it is. Yes it really is. Thank you.
  22. It's so tough. But, Eddie Van Halen (Van Halen) Billy Gibbons (ZZ Top) Tom Morello (RATM) Malcom Young (AC/DC) Matt Bellamy (Muse) All float my boat. Hounarable mentions to Joey Santiago (Pixies) Alex Lifeson (Rush) East Bay Ray (Dead Kennedys) Mike Einziger (Incubus) Stuart Braithwaite (Mogwai) Dregen (Backyard Babies)
  23. ......that's a complete rip - off run by crooks. Don't even think about it. Ebay's the place.
  24. No offence mate but if you're going to have a go at other folk's spelling at least learn how to spell yourself as it lessens the sarcasm somewhat..........
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