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Everything posted by Inkster

  1. Thanks guys.If Guitar ones work for bass then I can just have a general look out for one. Thanks again
  2. I'm looking for bass guitar wireless systems but can only seem to find one specific for bass at soundslive but costs 169 which I don't want to pay. I'm looking for something in the 7-100 range.Can you buy guitar systems but use them for bass? Maybe a silly question but one I need to ask.
  3. As with the general consencus, I'd get rid of most or all of the booths upstairs.As Jimsin said, if you got a booth you defended it like an animal would defend it's territory as not to loose it. You need seating of some sorts but definately not the booths. Downstairs is good as it is maybe apart from the metal shelves up on the walls as getting your head bashed on these is quite sore. I would bring back a balcony of some sort because although I wasn't the biggest fan of this before, nowadays, unless you know the running order of whose on when, it's hard to tell which band is on and whether you want to make the trek downstairs to watch them.Making a balcony would relieve this problem by letting you see and hear who is on stage and help people decide if they want to go down and watch the band or stay upstairs and listen to them.
  4. Incidently, I quite like this song. 1 question though.Is the girl singer in other bands? cos any band I hear with a girl singer lately, they all sound the same.
  5. Just click on the link cos c+p doesn't work
  6. I was going to wait til I got into town before getting my tickets but after seeing this thread, went straight onto Aloud and got mine
  7. This sounds interesting.I'd go to check him out definately
  8. Yeah not really a fan of this band.Even if I did like them I don't think I could go see them cos it's not really a jumpy band and I've been to gigs like that b4 and they're just terrible
  9. I was kinda meanin if STML stood for anything or if your band was just initials like KMFDM
  10. Firstborn played in Moshulu backroom last year with Make.Her.Cry , 7 Stone Lighter, and a couple of local bands, one of which was The Gloria Flaw I think.not sure bout that 1 though.
  11. Been to the Academy two or three times with no hassle from the security at all, even after crowd surfin
  12. I've listened to about 4 songs by them and none seemed to have lyrics.Their music just seemed dull to me.I am willing to reconsider if someone would be so kind as to point me in the direction of songs you'd recommend, singles or anything.I'll give them another go if you can give me songs to listen to with lyrics.
  13. I'm supposes to be working that night but I'll either just take a holiday to see this or hopefully be left my job by then One day I WILL get to see Mr Macfarlane on his won.
  14. Sorry but I just don't get this whole thing with this band.Maybe give me some songs with actual words and lyrics and I might reconsider but at the moment their just shit.If I wanted to listen to just music I'd go get a cd out of the ambient section of a store or go into one of those shops with the dolphin noise cds
  15. matthew was wearing a green t-shirt with a little man on it with a little slogan thing and steve was wearing a shirt of some sort I think.So it must've been either Jon or Nick? who was wearing the t-shirt. I know this doesn't help but I'm bored and wanted to type stuff
  16. The gig was Awesome! That was the 1st time I'd heard any of the bands playing.Either live or otherwise. Onion Terror - 1st time I've seen them and they were good. Nice uplifting band to start the night. Grown At Home - Were ACE! I really enjoyed them.1st ska band I've seen with a brass section and it was cool to see.Really tight band with a lot of energy.Sam the trombone player carried on well even though he had some problems to begin with. Sonic Boom Six - were tight as fuck! Really solid performance and mixed things up well with a bit of rapping thrown in.Well done to Emu - sorry,Amy - for getting up on stage with the band. Howards Alias - SUPERB! Really good set from them.Enjoyed them immensely.Rabbit in Headlights is such clever lyrics i think. Special mentions from me to all at Grown At Home and Howards Alias for being top guys and not wrecking my house.I know they were all knackered anyways but still nice to know my house is in 1 piece.Top blokes the lot of them and I wish them well on the rest of their tour.
  17. So does that mean they will not be playing the Buck + Skit fest this year? I think not!
  18. Just popped into an internet cafe down in London to tell you's about the gig with S&D. I know I read on here about the aberdeen gig before I left for Lonodn but... The 1st band were something different. Nice to see people try a different type of music. Still trying to find out their name but they were cool anyways.Not my kinda band but still good. The Mother and the Addicts were good.I wasn't really sure after the first couple of songs but got into them eventually.God knows what the sampler guy was there for though.Good voice on him so made up for it. Sons and Daughters were SUPERB! Really good show.Played all the classics and the good stuff off the new album. Dance Me In was 3rd on the set I think and wasn't just thrown in the middle like I think I read about the lemon tree gig.Really good show. Top quality.
  19. who the fourth support for Green Day at the bowl is?
  20. Oasis ticket Above ticket can be found on ebay here: OASIS TICKET
  21. On the bowl website it says all gigs finish at 1030pm so...
  22. Please note the following running times for Green Day at the National Bowl, Milton Keynes on 18 and 19 June. Gates open: 14:00 Hard-Fi: 17:00 - 17:40 Taking Back Sunday: 18:15 - 19:00 Jimmy Eat World: 19:35 - 20:25 Green Day: 21:05 - 23:00 Please note: Entry to the site will not be permitted until 14:00.
  23. 11 quid is a fair deal for a band such as the dresden dolls alone
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