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Everything posted by Inkster

  1. I checked out Hard-Fi and I really like them.One of their songs I'm sure has been used in an advert or tv show or something.TBS and JEW are still very good support bands though and well worth the ticket money alone.
  2. save me a copy please.Won't be able to pick it up til the end of the month tho
  3. It says Damon Albarn is playing because Bob Geldof put him down on the list without asking him. My personal opinion is that it's a good cause if done for the right reasons and from Geldof and Ure's side they are doing it out of the goodness of their heart (although I still think if people like Bono donated half their savings then it would go along way to helping the poor) but i still think (and this is quoting Albarn) "Record companies should be putting money into this for their artists to play because they will benefit in the long run from extra cd sales". I think the artists may or may not be doing this to exploit themselves or doing this cos they actually want to help but this whole thing is doing what it was meant to do...raise awareness. Inkster. p.s. The French have surpassed themselves again by not letting them use the Eifel Tower.
  4. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/music/4079644.stm
  5. There is also a place in Michigan called Inkster which I never knew about.
  6. This was the 2nd closest which I thought was rather funny...
  7. Dunno why I got this. Here is the site link it came from http://www.graffiti.org/la/la_6.html
  8. Sorry to any gays but I think Kemal is an embarrassment to gays. He is just too over the top and fairy like for my likin. Even the other gay guy (Craig I think?) said to Maxwell that it's pissin him off.Roberto was right about what he said.He should've told his parents before telling a bunch of strangers but if his parent's don't know he's gay then they must be blind and fckin stupid!
  9. I seen it at the weekend for the 1st when it was on ITV and was pleasantly surprised how good it was.Made me want to go see the theatre production now.
  10. Is it confirmed Simple Plan have been pulled? PLEASE be true.
  11. getting down MEGABUS!!! 8o W O W.WOW! I'm getting the plane down with my grilfriend but we decided to make a holiday of it so we're staying in London for the week after the gig
  12. I just know the gig finishes at 1030pm and that the doors open at 2pm or w/e it says on the ticket (which I don't have to hand)
  13. Green Day at The Bowl OMG! I CAN'T Wait for this one!!! Less than 2 weeks and I've had a hardon since I had the tickets. It may be slightly scripted or whatever you wanna call it but with 65,000 people there it's gonna be fuckin awesome!
  14. Check out a band called Aiden www.purevolume.com/aiden www.myspace.com/aiden Knife Blood Nightmare
  15. What the fuck ever happened to a bridge in a song these days?
  16. I never said not to promote they're latest offering, I was merely getting at the fact i want them to play 3 of clubs, I can climb mountains, You drove me to it and slow song.If these are included in their set list then I will be even happier than I already am of the fact I'm goin to see them tonight
  17. i totally forgot about MUD tonight.That's cool.HIFH usually do play for an hour as Ross says, hopefully with more of the classics than new stuff
  18. 10pm curfew Oh well, if it's got to be 10 hen fair enough.
  19. Inkster


    Who's all going? How much tickets are sold for this tonight Ross?
  20. I get everyone's point in this but does Jo Macafferty really need label interest? Yes I know it's a showcase and all that but why bother when the likes of Midge Ure hand pick you to support him on tour?Personally, I think Jo has more than enough interest from labels etc and bands like Gone2Far or Stayover or MMW etc need the exposure more than Jo does. Out of interest, has Driveblind ever played in GONorth before?
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