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Everything posted by Smooth_groover

  1. I reckon the travellers are decent folk, and I would rather live beside them than junkies...however, when you see photos in the EE of the shite they leave behind (bog roll, empty cans, broken caravans) it does get on your nerves a bit. I mean, it doesnt take much to dipose of these things properly. Personally I couldnt give a shit where they 'park' but If im going to be fined 200 for dropping litter on the street, so should travellers.
  2. Sorry, you must be mistaking me for someone who gives a fuck
  3. Holy shit! Anyone remember a game for the ZX Spectrum called: How to be a complete bastard! I think the main plot was to go about an office complex and piss people off!
  4. While were kinda on the subject, Has anyone completed Golden Axe on the Megadrive? That was one hard game! Aye *sigh* they dinna mak em like at ony mare
  5. I would say SNES because it had Mario World, Street Fighter and Starfox?
  6. Cant really be offended by someone who works in superdrug LOL OMFG ROFLMAO IMO
  7. But they aint as bad as Thrice LOL, just kidding
  8. You need to cool down man! I suggest taking off your pants and jacket (in a non sexual way of course)
  9. I studied photography there too. Was about 4 years ago though. And now Im confined to a lifetime of working in Jessops lol
  10. You have some pretty good quality images on your site. Where abouts are you studying?
  11. lol fair doos' Give my regards to Martyn, lucky cunt is off the morn I studied music at college last year, but the course got cancelled cause nae fucker turned up
  12. Study photography, then you can come work in Jessops with me and Martyn lol
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