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Everything posted by Smooth_groover

  1. Sorry, you must be mistaking me for someone who gives a fuck!
  2. The fact that they are on CD:UK is bad enough "yes erm...we are different, we have always liked rock and roll, please beleive us"
  3. Fuck walking to work. If I've missed a certain bus then I dont bother going in at all Yes I am rock AND roll
  4. Hey, thanks for that info man! appreciated
  5. If anyone tries to give me a 'drifter' I will cut their throat
  6. But you could steal it and make it your own... 'train' it to become your master instead LOL to ball: "attack anyone exept from me"
  7. Does anyone know how much one of those rubber pad set-ups costs? Ive decided to take up drums after an 8 year hiatus and I now live in a flat, so having a proper kit would be daft (unless my neighbours were deaf). I seen one in R&B but I aint prepaired to spend 1500 on one All I need is the rubber mats... Any suggestions? Mucho Apprecio
  8. The Tunnels - PA: yes Ask Jim Sandison about the others
  9. LOL, I can just imagine stumbling into my house drunk one night and this big ball looking back at you as if to say "don't fuck"
  10. what would YOU do if giant balls came flying towards you?
  11. Because I have no shoes or socks .... DUH !!! lol, just kidding Just thought I'd add a random post
  12. I wish the snow would fuck off I have to walk to work in my bare feet and this aint helping erm.....!
  13. The whole idea should be scrapped. In my day, if we got caught talking about rabbits - boy did our parents give us a hiding!
  14. LOL exactly, this has to be the most random and stupid idea since sliced bread ?(
  15. Oh well, shit happens! The same thing will happen with the whole Smarties re-packaging thing (mass outrage until it's switched back to the way it was) Don't fuck with the public LOL
  16. Robotic ball that chases burglars By David Millward (Filed: 14/02/2005) A large black ball, originally designed by Swedish scientists for use on Mars, could be the latest weapon in the war against burglars. The device, developed at the University of Uppsala, acts as a high-tech security guard capable of detecting an intruder thanks to either radar or infra-red sensors. Once alerted, it can summon help, sound an alarm or pursue the intruders, taking pictures. It is capable of travelling at 20mph, somewhat faster than a human being. Even worse for intruders, the robot ball can still give chase over mud, snow and water. The ball relies on an internal pendulum to control its motion which, when shifted, changes the centre of gravity and starts it rolling. Other devices, including microphones, cameras, heat sensors and smoke detectors are mounted on its central axis. Nils Hulth, co-founder of Rotundus, the company which is marketing the ball, said it was especially well-suited to patrolling perimeter fences. The prototype, just under 2ft in diameter, weighs about 10lb. "It is extremely light, which is why it moves so fast," Mr Hulth said. While the current version can only raise the alarm, it could be adapted to corner an intruder if the customer wanted, Mr Hulth added. Patrick Mercer, the Tory MP who is campaigning to give people greater rights to defend their property against burglars, thought the robot ball could have potential: "It would be interesting to see whether the ball had used grossly disproportionate force or whether it would be deemed reasonable. "But I would much rather a burglar be terrified of householders and shopkeepers, rather than some sort of futuristic device." WTF ?!?
  17. Fairly new band El Presidente (2 former members of G.U.N.) have released this track on Vinyl, with an album to follow shortly - check out the music video here: http://www.el-presidente.co.uk/media_files.php?title=Rocket Thoughts and opinions? Cheers, El Smooth III
  18. I understand your point about it being a sound tactic, but it's still shit customer service! Fair enough, ban someone if they look like trouble (with a capital T) even if they have ID. But don't ruin someones night out just because you know you'll be making money regardless. Like i say, it's shit customer service at the end of the day
  19. Maybe I am missing something, but I don't understand how a doorman can refuse entry to someone who has a passport as ID and is totaly sober! I can travel anywhere in the world with this form of ID but I can't enter a bar/nightclub?
  20. My mate was refused entry to Exodus one night, even though he had his PASSPORT for ID? When he asked why he couldn't get in, he was met with the reply: "that could be anyones passport" o_O Luckily another bouncer showed up that knew my mate and let us in
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