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Everything posted by Skittles

  1. not from space kitchens suckfucks
  2. its not my favourite episode but, the bit where stewie sucks on peters nipple and realises its peter is priceless. cant think which episode is my fave right now.
  3. your all suckfucks, i mix jd and coffee, tastes nice, but actual jd coffee, ace.
  4. an old man showed me that Nitpick: OLD, GO FIND NEW STUFF BUCKO!@!
  5. "kenny your poor, so you can buy me the yellow megaman"
  6. I love that film. "yesterday you were like normal, today your like the chinese dude from the karate kid movies" favourite scene of that film is the ac/dc mime, fantastic
  7. also..... yeah i missed out the word "be" sue me.
  8. so they changed it to an ace card, just to change it back again?
  9. alice cooper came to mind when i read the title to this thread. aint seen it yet though, might watch it later
  10. cinema, pub, pub, pub, pub, pub, club, fast food joint, ditch. or something to that effect
  11. also, is it just me or is that on my frikken website?
  12. seriously cannot wait hope they dont change the matches, thats a fuckin sweet line up im just upset that stacy keibler isnt coming *cries like an emo kid*
  13. and now vince - he'll need to take out knee insurance on the rest of his roster
  14. tell that to the money grabbing whores that make it
  15. i now have trojan only chosen of course because of his name
  16. dam you have mine who isnt taken?
  17. *jumps on bandwagon with the worst gladiator ever*
  18. I've been downloading them all, they gradually get worse or better. I'm onto episode 17 now, still none of the friends cast have made a guest appearance yet.
  19. just me or the lineups changed a bit...? never knew jonathan and rory were now in cleartone cool stuff though man
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