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Acey Trixx

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Everything posted by Acey Trixx

  1. what? (yes i know what wtf means im just asking what u mean wtf if u see what i mean)
  2. erm johnny depp nikki sixx orlando bloom dregen random ppl ive seen walking about in town
  3. sorry about the late notice but i have 2 tickets for sale 50quid for them both.
  4. i was at this gig and unfortunatly to leave before johnny truant due to other things but i'll say what i think nonetheless. evacuating heaven - not my thing as such but vocalist was damned good and at least he was gettin into the music by jumping around like a manic! and very brave guys for going at it without a bassist although i do think that with a bassist they will sound ALOT better. allergo - totally not my kind of music at all..too dillenger escape plan for me but i will give them huge credit for gettin the crowd going in way ive seen no other local(ish) band do it (although i aint been to all THAT many local gigs that will change with me moving into town on saturday). MMw - the band i was there to see basically and i have to say i wasnt let down at all. very good performance in my opinion. the only thing i would mention was the bass cable get being knocked out but these things happen but even with bens throat probelm it was still great finally gettin to see ya. although i felt sorry that allergo got such a great reaction and you guys didnt...maybe just not the right gig for you..at least thats my opinion..think the gig was a bit heavier than your band if you see my point. hope to see ya again soon.
  5. i really like the album. i loved american idiot when i first heard it and i agree with a few others here saying jesus of suburbia is possibly one of their best songs. i love the piano at the end of it.
  6. hrmmm im kinda tempted will depend on ticket prices and the like as usual..as im not desperite to see em i may give it a miss but it would be pretty kool...shame on good charlotte being there...
  7. or you can pm me here if you like.
  8. usually i do go down for all the bands but i dunno...just didnt feel like it...was unusual..most unusual but well well.
  9. i actually missed dead poetic coz i was at the bar...and couldnt be arsed going down for hurt process..not a huge fan really.
  10. wooo atreyu tour...fuckin have to see them..if they play glasgow this may almost make up for bleeding though cancelling...almost...but not quite.
  11. so does anyone know what they are doing yet?i have a few ideas but im not totally sure yet...
  12. What did everyone think of these guys supporting The Hurt Process? I personally thought they were fuckin ace! really nice guys as well.
  13. i personally wouldnt consider myself an art fag....
  14. because HIM have the bigger commerical draw value...yer gonna get a lot more tickets sold if HIM are headlining...regardless of how amazing cathedral are (so im told by my mate anyways..guess i will hear em on the nite.)
  15. mine fits in a car in the back seats because its just a head and a cab (second cab being added when cash becomes avilable..so in about 3 years time when im done being a student lol) but for rehersals and all that jazz id just say a combo is what ya need. not that ive gigged yet but i have a few more projects in the line for my move to aberdeen so hopefully it wont be too long!
  16. i had a laney rbg400 combo for ages (which is actually for sale 165watts pm me) which did me fine was good in band practices and is suprisgingly nice toned for a laney in my opinion. a month or so ago though because i was working full time and knew i was goingto college and would never have a decent amount of cash together again so i bought a behringer 300bxt head anda laney 410 cab but am now discovering the downside of head+cabs...they arent overly transportable
  17. saw they were playing drakes on thursday and since im out and about on thursday i considered popping along..anyone got any information on them?
  18. i was in last week and realised u had the bass i wanted in stock...unfortunatly no1 was around so i couldnt try it out but i shall be back...oh mark my words i shall...
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