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Acey Trixx

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Everything posted by Acey Trixx

  1. Pro co rat 2 distortion pedal, 90 new, 50 o.n.o may sell for 40 also tascam 4 track, DBX noise reduction, proper mic inputs and 6 line inputs. 350 new will sell for 200 and throw in 40 headphones and sony mic. call jamez 01224 574245/07796723287
  2. i wont be going because well im bored of em kinda and im also pretty damned skint...
  3. i totally agree there actually. just summin about it aint right..i mean if the musicians can rember their parts why cant the singer remeber theirs so to speak..
  4. i wouldnt think so since hes got the Brides Of Destruction as well and i cant really hear the celine dion influences there...
  5. yer i can just see nikki sitting with headphones on listening to the beautiful south...somehow i cant quite picture it.
  6. yer id have to say after hearing this album its a definite improvement on their earlier stuff. and jimmy eat worlds album is also very good...still got to get biffy clyros new one though.
  7. i assume so. i mean i know they aint really talked but i heard that they have been talking alot more lately and i doubt they would do a motley tour if it wasnt the whole band
  8. yer ive got the cd as well i must admit i quite enjoy it. its a huge departure from glassjaw and in my opinion much better!!
  9. i dont think ive ever been so excited about a gig ever...secc here i come!!!
  10. i shall be there i have been recommended to check out hiding with girls and ive heard a little of hollywood ending so its shaping up to be a cracker.
  11. i heard radio ga ga at gig on the green i really like it a bit of a standard cover though i think if i remeber correctly
  12. i will be there hopefully...gonna get a ticket 2day me thinks. gonna be rockin!
  13. yer i heard that part i thought it was a side project of thiers no?with a roadie singing or summin. is it the same sorta stuff as speedhorn?
  14. i finished with her for other reasons but i really think if u wanna talk about this it should have been over pm and didnt need to be done here.
  15. i left because i was going to college and moving into aberdeen. althoguh the move was delayed but i move in tomorrow now. but yer it was a total new start.
  16. i reckon im gonna have to get a ticket to this gig...although admittly the main reason im going is Radio Lucifer (which is only because i aint heard the other bands) but iv heard good things said about em so should be interesting. EDIT: just watched the tie your mother down video from the deadloss website...anychance of a re-enactment at moshulu with deadless/lucifer?...go on..ya know ya want to..
  17. I didnt! but thats not the sorta thing ya should really accuse ppl of on a public message board.
  18. see i had a feeling i knew who ya were....but still am none the wiser.
  19. i think im quite tempted by this....really wanna see em will have to see what i can organise.
  20. i think once i have money at some point in the future im gonna invest in this. although i am unsure if my pc will be able to handle it without the upgrade its due..ah so much things to do and only so far my overdraft will stretch..curses!
  21. i never actually had any idea that what i say would result in what it did lol. sorry if i offended anyone i was just joining in the conversation....
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