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Everything posted by R.Borlax

  1. cheese is fucking gay and all of you quit the threads that just contain a link to albinoblacksheep, its doin ma knobber in alot of you wouldnt know decent flash if it sucked you off and swallowed http://www.tokyoplastic.com/
  2. heard the cd, not too bad although id rather hear you guys live may pop along to that gig
  3. "Captain Beefheart There's nothing so boring as affected "madness": it's just depressing and annoying. Same goes for Captain Beefheart. He's namechecked far more often than he is listened to, and his Trout Mask Replica album is deep-fried toss on toast. If you recorded Anne from Little Britain over a soundtrack of toddlers blowing saxophones at random, you could sell it as newly discovered Trout Mask Replica out-takes featuring a guest vocalist. Just call it Zoot Talon Cornflake Mama and hey presto! Instant classic! Johnny Sharp" seriously, did some1 just fart? id say something that has a point but if he couldnt be bothered to then why the fuck should i
  4. fucking gay, almost as gay as when i heard manson tried out for the role (now hes a pot smoking jesus) seriously how many films has depp been in over the past 2 years?> give somebody a chance
  5. i was wondering do they play old stuff as well as the new album material? if so what afucking joke....its like please pay the overpriced amount to enter a building and be degraded as we say cock to you 14 year old daughters did we mention half the time we wipe our bottoms with our fanmail but anyway dude ranch is a nice album
  6. seriously 5 dollars off the next ticket
  7. .................................... .............................. ....................... .............. ......... ....... ..... .......... ............. ...................... ............................. .................................... thats right pass it on to 5 of your firendsorz rolf lmaso
  8. nothing scary about it at all, what does scare me is that kids burn the hair of a kid who just managed to grow it back after going through cancer treatment
  9. best ting man= i iz da most nizest guy jah eva meet man worst ting=i as got problems and i will scare da shit out jah wen ah get me knife man
  10. hmmm highly collective arent you *rolls eyes*
  11. maybe they are doing it for the money, but what the fuck does it matter? priest back with halford live rock and fucking roll
  12. is there a bus or something going from aberdeen?
  13. i dont get it let me guess unwanted child?
  14. aye the subject is whats your favorite christmas films so just fucking shut up hobbes you jobbie stabber
  15. if your a collective freak will you like to purchase my number six limited edition make me bad single?
  16. *takes off your top and licks teh b00bi35* rofl
  17. why not old anathema and paradise lost? aberdeen needs a doom band
  18. deerhoof faust polysics the radioactive chicken heads leonard cohen
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