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Everything posted by french_disko

  1. this thread seems to be entirely based in a "rock" perspective - what about jazz musicians? Blues musicians? Pop / Rock is a relatively new musical genre - it's less than 50 years so it's only hitting middle age as a musical form. The afore mentioned genres have been around 80 years plus so a lot of musicians are, obviously, older - rock music will go the same way, bands such as the Stones, Neil Young, etc is will be the norm rather than the exception. Longevity will be based on talent rather marketing. I find it sad that someone sees fit to give up at 23 - this is purely based on his narrow world view of what music conforms to but that view will change in time after he's exposed to more musical forms & genres and, basically, hears more music over time. Music isn't like football - age doesn't diminish talent. However, rock music has always been marketed as a "teenage" or "youthful" genre - again, that perception will diminish over time. As long as you enjoy music, play music.
  2. "Axel F"...? "The Heat Is On"....? Are you lot serious?
  3. erm, none on my part. I'll probably go to Dresden Dolls out of curiosity. Personally, the gigs at Moshulu haven't been to my tastes so far but I'm always hopeful smething will turn up.
  4. damn you! Damn you to hell..... you freeform jazz noise improv superman!
  5. how does the regulars scheme work? Why aren't we offered discounts for all gigs?
  6. copy & paste into your browser - works ok then.
  7. Here - http://www.ticketmaster.co.uk/clickthrus/?id=29226
  8. How ace was Thomas & Buzfuz last night????? And special mention to alan & phil for a great show!
  9. it's the "getting to the Tunnels" part that's the pain - not the shelter provided once you get these!
  10. Agree with you there. Which one though? With Mercury Rev? Or with the Springheel Jack DJs? The LT gig was the eighth time I'd seen them & have to admit to leaving feeling a bit underwhelmed, unfortunately.
  11. Fuck! I've got it!!! Mogwai, in 1998, without a doubt! Or was the Beta Band better (try saying that quickly!). Nah, Mogwai. Definately. 100% positive.
  12. I know, I know..... I'm just banging my head off the desk in frustration here trying to think of all I've been to & what were the best. Those 3 aren't definate choices - just thinking out loud really.
  13. i'm struggling here - about 12 years worth of LT gigs to think of & I can't remeber them all. GYBE / Sigur Ros.... Labradford (support the High Llamas round about 1996)..... New Kingdom (supporting Senser in 1994)...... f*ck, there's been loads & I've went totally blank about what I've been to!
  14. Not even if we chip in & buy you a brand new C90 cassette? Not tempted with that offer of cutting edge 70s techology? No? You sure? Which reminds me - can I record TT on Wednesday night on my video camera? Or rather, can I take it along & get someone else to do it while I drink?
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