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Everything posted by french_disko

  1. if anybody's in there soon could they look for my iPod, minidisc player & digital camera? cheers.
  2. yeah, but let's face it - IT'S A FIVER!!!!!! you can't even get two pints for that price. if you want the price to drop then you should encourage people to attend the gigs.
  3. Don't worry, I'm sure Radio1 will have Chris Moyles and JK & Joel host a gig with the Crazy Frog and Girls Aloud to keep you happy.
  4. There's not much about it here - http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio2/events/ Details of last years event in Liverpool is here - http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio2/events/liverpool/
  5. Will spending money on the AECCs bottles of Budweiser (3 quid a pop) help reduce global poverty?
  6. No' date=' they didn't - [url']http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://merchlackey.com/Mogwai/pop%2520windows/images/Blur_T_popup.jpg&imgrefurl=http://scornfate.blogspot.com/2004_11_01_scornfate_archive.html&h=400&w=400&sz=27&tbnid=rxIZX4SB_bIJ:&tbnh=120&tbnw=120&hl=en&start=1&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dmogwai%2B%252B%2Bblur%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26sa%3DN
  7. At least their sense of humour extends further than embarressing Crazy Frog comments.
  8. yeah, i watched them yesterday - there's a split second about 3/4s of the way through the mirror/dash set when the camera pans towards Thurston & my head comes into the picture. I'll stand further back next time.
  9. coldplay are turgid MOR rubbish for "sensitive" students & wannabee-political activists who's activism extends no further than wearing a white rubber band on their wrist. conclusive proof that the average person in the UK only knows seven recording artists - and two of them are Robbie Williams.
  10. Press & Journal Article from Today http://www.pressandjournal.co.uk/displayNode.jsp?nodeId=149475&command=displayContent&sourceNode=149205&contentPK=12667674 ANGRY CHARITY POP CONCERT ORGANISER LEFT WITH BIG LOSSES 09:00 - 20 June 2005 The organiser of an open-air charity concert on Saturday has been left disgusted by the lack of support shown by the public - and revealed he has personally lost 10,000 on the event. Steve Purves said he spent six months organising Keith Chaos, but his own efforts had not been matched by others. He was angry at the amount of people who tried to gain entry to the Moray town's Seafield Park for free on the day by scaling special barriers. Mr Purves had hoped to raise thousands of pounds for Keith Cancer Link, but last night said it was unlikely the charity would receive a penny. He spent all day yesterday clearing up the mess left at the park, with the help of his wife, daughter and a family friend, after others who had promised to help did not show up. Mr Purves said this typified what he had encountered in organising the fundraiser. "I had around 1,200 people attend yesterday, but needed at least another 500 to break even," he said. "I cannot believe how badly-supported it was. I spent a lot of money getting bands, organising it, it was even a gorgeous day, but still people didn't get behind it. "The amount of people trying to climb the fences, and trying to haggle over the cost, has totally sickened me. It was a charity concert. What does that say about people?" Mr Purves, a technician at Keith Grammar School, said the crowd had enjoyed themselves at the concert, headlined by The Bluetones and The Grim Northern Social. It also featured other bands from the local area, including Blue Gum Ears, Mind Gone Blind and The Method. Mr Purves hopes to be able to reclaim some money from VAT, as the concert was a registered charity and as such does not have to pay the tax. But he admits it has been a disappointing experience which has left a bad taste in his mouth. "I am disappointed that no money has been made for charity, but there are bills which I cannot cover, let alone give money away," he said. "There is no way I would ever get involved in something like this again. You put in back-breaking work for months for charity, and still no one supports you."
  11. http://www.nme.com/news/112625.htm PRODIGY, BASEMENT JAXX HEAD FOR T ON THE FRINGE PRODIGY and BASEMENT JAXX head up the latest raft of announcements for this years T ON THE FRINGE in EDINBURGH. The live music arm to the citys famous performing arts festival will already see mega-gigs from Pixies and Franz Ferdinand, and now a new list of names have been confirmed. Prodigy open the festivities at the Corn Exchange on August 5, and the same venue sees shows from Alabama 3 (August 9) and Basement Jaxx (August 28). The following acts will play at the Liquid Room: Roddy Frame (August 6) The Rakes (8) Glen Tilbrook and the Fluffers (14) Yo La Tengo (15) The Wedding Present (16) Best Of T Break (20) Michael Franti and Spearhead (21) The Departure (22) Sons and Daughters (23) The Magic Numbers (24) Hot Hot Heat (29) Additionally, these shows will take place at the Cabaret Voltaire venue: Editors (August 6) Slam feat Silicone Soul and Alex Smoke (21) Saul Williams (22) Regina Spektor (23) Josephine Foster (24) Tickets for all gigs are available from gigsinscotland.com.
  12. "daydream nation" & "sister" are the best SY albums by far. In fact, take "goo" and "dirty" into the equation & it shows the late 80s / early 90s to be SY's creative peak.
  13. So you think there's any chance that the recording has come out as remotely listenable? I'd be terrified to put it on my stereo in case my hearing really does go!
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