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Everything posted by french_disko

  1. it's tempting..... what date is it on?
  2. My mates found a CD being sold in Japan of some unreleased songs they recorded "before they were famous" but was never ever released on CD. They bid on it with a stupid amount, won the auction then told the guy to f*ck off when he contacted them for payment.
  3. Controversial! Just don't go slagging off the Appalachian Goat Herder Lullaby Scene or your Scene Points will really plummet!
  4. ha ha! Told you the Tibetian Community was pissed off! Bizarrly, I seem to have gained a point!
  5. I hope so as I've just ordered it.
  6. Does the venue have any say on this at all? Do you have to provide set fees for the artist? Seriously, 18 quid for EUROPE!!!!!! What were you thinking?????? I'm liking this thread - it's proving to be quite enlightening.
  7. There's a lot of unrest & anger in the Aberdeen Tibetian community, believe me.
  8. You're right, Donny, I've not read all the articles concerned & it seems evident that the others have. My initial posting was to query the timing of the release rather than the actual fact of the happening. Joy Division is a slightly different situation as the last album was all ready to go, I believe & wasn't pieced together. Jeff Buckley may be a better comparison as the "(sketches for) my sweetheart the drunk" is basically just the demos for the "my sweetheart the drunk" album compilied by Chris Cornell, of all people, for release. Although I'm a Buckley fan I'm getting increasingly miffed at the continual releases after his death as they aren't really adding anything to his body of work, in my opinion. But, as the case of the guy above with the Pantera releases, I keep on buying them. Such is the way of the fan, I suppose. I'm just trying to throw in a bit of debate here - if that makes me "really fucking low" to some people then there's not much else to add, I suppose. Incidently, on another note - you still not worked out who I am, have you? I should really have said hello when I saw you in elgin a few weeks back!
  9. To be honest, my first impression when I saw them was "fucking goths"...... :-)
  10. Like I said, I was generalising & my tongue was firmly in my cheek as I wrote that. I don't read Kerrang! or Metal Hammer so I haven't a clue what half of these bands classify themselves as. In fact, the laughable sub-genrefication of Metal would provide an interesting thread some time. I was merely commentating of what I see as the sort of bands that play moshulu - fairly limited in their scope, I'd say as most seem to be of the standard drums, guitar, bass,vocals variety & there doesn't seem to be much in the way of hip hop, electronic, avant garde or tibetian folk music for that matter. Still, nothing wrong with that - it's a business & it needs to attract a crowd.
  11. They were both a little too relaxed to come out on Saturday afternoon golfing. Or is that hungover? tell you what - there's a few gigs on at The Tunnels i'll drag you along to & you can try to persuade me to come to some of the Moshulu gigs.
  12. To be honest I was a bit worried they'd end just being a bit too nu-metal or whatever the f*ck the genre is called nowadays. Going on the Moshulu booking policy I had my lingering doubts (apologies if I'm generalising here but I've not seen a gig yet here that i've been remotely interested in seeing). I'm pretty sure i'll be going though.
  13. Yeah, I noticed that & it sort of made me sway towards going to see them. I wouldn't mind a listen first though.
  14. Can anyone point me in the direction of some Dresden Dolls MP3s? I need to ascertain whether they're pish or not, basically.
  15. whether Pantera suck isn't really the point here - the haste at grave robbing & cashing in on Darrell's death should certainly be talked about though. No-one else think this is just a bit too hasty after his murder to be cashing in? Or does the thought of some "not good enough for the album" material get the fans excited?
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