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Alan Cynic

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Everything posted by Alan Cynic

  1. You lot would go down well enough, for a start. An "Aberdeen Night" showcase in NYC with Optimum Dose (ex Delicate AWOL), John Cromar, Kathryn Sawers, Carmen Higgins (sober), and Sidca (all off the top of my head) would get good reviews, I'm sure. ________________________________________________________________________ Kitchen Cynics...................................................come on ye reds...........................
  2. .........also, as a regular visitor to Tonic in New York (considered a venue for "creative" music, Stripey!), I can attest that there are a good few local bands who could play there and get a decent reception. _____________________________________________________________________ Kitchen Cynics.........................Mastrick is where it's at!!.....................................
  3. Stripey.....you must just be bitter because you're not a TRUE Aberdonian (you weren't born within the sound of St Nicholas' carillion!). Tricky/Portishead/Roni Size are all bland....have you actually heard any REAL electronic music....the experimental stuff.??You're coming across as all arrogance and no substance.......the kind of person you accuse Aberdonians of being. Chill out, man......have some stovies!!!!!!!!! _______________________________________________________________________ Kitchen Cynics...................Fit,fit, fit fit fit fit like? (Aberdonian sample).....................
  4. Those were damned fine cakes, too! (I "sampled" four, but only after you told us they needed to be eaten up, honest!). ________________________________________________________________________ Kitchen Cynics...........................................................yum!!!.....................................
  5. I am now inspired to record a tune using my PT-20, an old stylophone and lawnmower samples....I will NOT enlist a bland sweet singer to pretty it up for mass consumption. _____________________________________________________________________ Kitchen Cynics....................................................key-bored with the "Innovation" thread
  6. Why do you tar everyone with the same brush, Stripey? Aberdonians are no less intelligent than anyone else. Tricky/Portishead etc were always pretty bland......aiming at sounding palatable, rather than doing anything truly exciting (in the same way as you criticise Aberdeen bands). Sorry, Graeme....I wasn't being aggressive, just exasperated at the cyclical boring nature of this argument!!!!!!!!!! I think I'll head off to the Casio Vl-Tone thread just for a change !!!!! _________________________________________________________________________ Kitchen Cynics...................too retarded to sample, too young (but not by much!) to die....
  7. The open-mike at the Malt Mill went well..........I enjoyed Danny Doubt's set, and some older, "Muso" types deemed it a very good night ( I THINK that's a good thing!). The PA was a bit boomy, however, and didn't seem to like Duncan's cello going into an echo pedal. The hosts did a great job keeping the night flowing. Then they ruined it all by dragging me to The Ministry, which was a most disturbing experience!!!!!!!!!!!!!! _______________________________________________________________________ Kitchen Cynics................not bright, not young, but definitely a "thing".......................
  8. But in Bristol it's all upper-class kids apeing Portishead, Tricky etc......they're just as bad. We want less aping and more creating.......ANYWHERE......yes, even Aberdeen....it's a state of mind, not an accident of geography. _________________________________________________________________________ Kitchen Cynics...........................................aping King Kong, and proud of it!!!...........
  9. Don't take up the flute, FF!!!!!.........if you do, you will become dangerously desirable, and will have sad old men drooling as you pass (well, this one anyway!). Take up the banjo instead....................it's much safer. ________________________________________________________________________ Kitchen Cynics..........................................one flute over the cuckoo's nest..............
  10. I am a tool!!! (before anyone else says it!)
  11. For the umpteenth time......... a sampler is a tool a guitar is a tool a screwdriver is a tool a lawnmower is a tool a thing for taking stones out of horses hooves is a tool Peter O'Toole!!!!!!!!! (for fuck's sake!!!) They can ALL be used to make music.......be innovative (creative?), not narrow-minded. Repeated message ends.........but will no doubt be repeated again in a few weeks. ______________________________________________________________________ Kitchen Cynics...........................my great granny made a great sampler in the 1880s...
  12. Very amusing, Stripey (he mumbled, removing the straw from his mouth, and knocking over his pile of Janet and John books). I am tempted to mention the Emperor's new clothes, however! We peasants are VERY aware of what samplers can do (I used one on an album more than a decade ago), but some of us just aren't bothered about them, in the same way that I still use an old dial-phone, whilst all around me all those much more intelligent non-peasants are espousing the use of the latest mobile. Must we keep going over the same ground again and again.....it sounds like a broken sampler!!!! ______________________________________________________________________ Kitchen Cynics......................................bring back "Bothy Nichts"..........................
  13. Thanks, Philip......I look forward to hearing them. Someone has just e-mailed me some mp3s by the Six Feet Trio......thank you whoever it was....I'm listening to "Summertime" right now. There's something about flute players...............doncha just love 'em?........................ (Cat got your tongue, Philip?) Also thanks, Frosty.....that's the very chap!
  14. I agree with you on the vibes front, Ross. I remember seeing the MJQ at the Music Hall a few years back, and it was pretty clinical......too refined, I think. I like bits of Brubeck, but he also has an overly cerebral approach, IMO. Hank Mobley I will now investigate....thanks. __________________________________________________________________________ Kitchen Cynics....................................gefilte fish o'roonie........................................
  15. Alan Cynic


    Cheers, Dave!!!! Much appreciated! Pollard for Pope!!! _______________________________________________________________________ Kitchen Cynics.........................Lower than Lo-Fi.....................................................
  16. I like these a lot............... Thelonious Monk/Gerry Mulligan "'Round Midnight" (esp whole side of title track!) John Coltrane "Live at Birdland" Charlie Mingus "Mingus Mingus Mingus Mingus Mingus" Miles Davis Quintet "Relaxin' with..." Moondog "Moondog" Slim Gaillard "Mc Vouty" (one of my heroes!......shook hands with him in Glasgow once) The Spirits of Rhythm "1933-34" Stan Getz/Joao Gilberto "Getz/Gilberto" I'm currently doing battle with the somewhat scary voice of Patty Waters, but still haven't come round to it yet! ________________________________________________________________________ Kitchen Cynics o'roonie!!.......................................................................................
  17. Most bands here are constricted by a very structured approach ( my stuff particularly )...but so is most electronic music. For all I enjoyed Stripey's music it's certainly not innovative, especially in comparison with what was happening in electronic music in the late 50s to mid 60s. As soon as repetetive drum patterns are used innovation tends to go out of the window.....it's hard not to be a slave to the beat. I agree with Dave about John Cromar.....he took risks, and that was exciting to watch. I reckon there probably ARE people doing innovative things though, but not gigging, probably. I thought Ziggy's Random Audio thingummy was refreshingly different,too. Again, can I second the support for the Interesting Music chaps, for the variety of sounds they promote, much of it being innovative (although not from Aberdeen, as previously stated) _______________________________________________________________________ Kitchen Cynics...............................................the tainted word.................................
  18. This would make you an "Art-wanker", Philip................sounds cool to me!!!!!!!! _______________________________________________________________________ Kitchen Cynics.....................................................stirring!!..................................
  19. Each to their own, I suppose..........I really liked the juxtaposition of Cuts/Simon Gall band.....sort of like sour & sweet, but both great...............isn't that what Fudge is all about (although I'm a real Johnny-come lately here!!). You're not usually so negative, Cloud......what's up????? _______________________________________________________________________ Kitchen Cynics..........................Timson & ShaunF for next Fudge "superfan" award!......
  20. ....but you're a cruel, unforgiving God!!!!!!................ _______________________________________________________________________ Kitchen Cynics........................awaiting plague of frogs sent by the God Soundian.........
  21. Alan Cynic


    There's whole movements in the USA just now who utilise lo-fi recordings to give their music immediacy, and a real,personal touch......eg the Philadelphia-based wyrd folk like Fursaxa, Greg Weeks etc, or the Jewelled Antler collective from San Francisco, who record on beaches, in woods etc, and it's soul-touchingly beautiful!!! ________________________________________________________________________ Kitchen Cynics....................................bleezin', knackered but happy..........................
  22. Woof!!!!! It has oc-'cur'-red to me you may be right (or else you're barking mad!). You have made me terrier-stricken, but I fear you may be hounded by other forum members, you wag, you! You won't winalot of friends with your observations, 'Pal', but I still think you're top-dog, apart from one!!.....I'll say Shaun F (alsatianF). _______________________________________________________________________ Kitchen Cynics.........................................OK, I'll get my collar!...............................
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