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Alan Cynic

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Everything posted by Alan Cynic

  1. Also Alone Again Or, who became the Shamen..................surprisingly, Billy Bremner did one, too!
  2. The Shamen did five Peel sessions. Geneva did one. There may be others....... _________________________________________________________________ Kitchen Cynics...........................I've been played on Peel, too!!...................
  3. That sounds like fun, Dave...........maybe on Saturday morning! ______________________________________________________________________ Kitchen Cynics........................set the controls for the heart of the Sunday League.....
  4. I am praying for Philip to be delivered from the Dark side. He lent me some live King Crimson albums, and, having slaughtered a few virgins, and had carnal knowledge of chickens I now know he was only trying to lead me astray. ________________________________________________________________________ Kitchen Cynics............................snatched from the jaws of Hell!!............
  5. Is this hardcore, grindcore or what? ________________________________________________________________________ Kitchen Cynics......................................................I'm a lethargic lover, baby!..............
  6. Variety is the spice of life................................. ______________________________________________________________________ Kitchen Cynics........................................what?..................
  7. No....it was the one in Turriff which came to mind. _________________________________________________________________________ Kitchen Cynics....................................."we come together, but we're all alone".........
  8. Alan Cynic


    I thought it was a very moody piece, which would give a darker balance to the postive vibes of the other pieces. I liked it. I was surprised to see the Autoharp mentioned, because I'd just left a bid on one at Milne's Auction Rooms yesterday!!! Weird coincidence, or what??? And I got it, so Philip and I could do a "Duelling Autoharps" scene together. The only problem is who would act the inbred hillbilly, and who would be the one to paddle off with Burt Reynolds (played by Stripey or Frosty Jack?) to meet an untimely end at the hand of savage teuchters (the Cuts maybe?). In tribute to my current drink intake we could call the film "D-Liverance".
  9. It would be different! Might be ok the first time, but would you come again? _____________________________________________________________________ Kitchen Cynics............................................the rhythm method............................
  10. ......and I don't want you to, either!!! I know you won't like it................................. _____________________________________________________________________ Kitchen Cynics..................................................offski....booze calling!!!.................
  11. There are some songs "out there" on the net, but I'm not telling you where, cos Stripey will have a listen and discover that I'm a crap singer/songwriter. Then he'll tell me it's because I'm an Aberdonian. Then I'll weep copiously into my 1970 Dons cup final scarf, before disappearing under my Harry Gordon ( the Laird of Inversnecky!) print duvet. And I'd rather be at Drakes surrounded by my fawning acolytes, being bought pints and hand-fed skirlie flavoured crisps by Leanne and Sharon. All the while Philip will chant gentle Indian mantras into my ear, and Lester Burnham will allow me the honour of plucking her chest-hairs (with diamond-encrusted tweezers, of course!). Just like every other open-mike night. _________________________________________________________________________ Kitchen Cynics..............................................waking up soon................................
  12. Alan Cynic


    In a C & A Sale kind of way!!
  13. Ok, then...........practice attempt number 1.............."Hello, Lester! My you look particularly fetching tonight. Was there a sale on at C&As? " How's that?
  14. I've found that a few good reviews in international magazines leads to (small) label interests. I have never played outside Aberdeen (apart from once near Redditch, and a wee bit in Boston and NYC), but have had a few albums out on German and US labels. I'm with Stripey inasmuch as I reckon the home recording types can have as much impact as gigging folks. (Unless I've misread your earlier posts, Stripey?) _____________________________________________________________________ Kitchen Cynics.............................................................going on the piss tonight..... (not a witticism....more a statement of fact)
  15. Damn!!! I was going to pretend it was a duelling scar I got whilst attending Heidelberg University. Then I was going to get myself a monocle and some riding boots. The rest I leave up to your sordid imaginations!!! (and my own, heh heh heh!) ________________________________________________________________________ Kitchen Cynics......................................Muttley Impersonator supreme.....................
  16. Alan Cynic


    Just by saying that, you have shown you have your own cool........admirable! ________________________________________________________________ Kitchen Cynics..................................................too uncool to uncalypso.........
  17. I know that! But you are sweet (sorry.......you can hit me later.....please!) Actually, as you know, I DO want a musical collaboration -a Burnham/Cynics thing! The only problem is letting people hear it after, and dissolving into tears with the criticism....I'm a delicate flower, you know! _______________________________________________________________________ Kitchen Cynics........................................................Lawnmower Man.......................
  18. Sorry, R M ....I wasn't meaning to imply you were chasing a deal. I respect your approach. I DON'T respect labels (although my dealings with small labels have all been excellent, so I suppose I'm talking from a position of ignorance here.) _____________________________________________________________________ Kitchen Cynics..................................................Paul's dead!!!!!....(hooray!)............ (Emmerdale reference)
  19. Yep....I've got some old Radiophonic Workshop albums, and she was the dudess!!!! (please excuse bad usage of out-of-date "youthspeak.....I feel ill). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kitchen Cynics.........................................your non-innovative alternative.................
  20. Probably the most "rivetting" thing I've seen recently here was the Damo Suzuki gig....the improvisation of the local musicians was absorbing......(and there were computers interacting with guitars etc). ________________________________________________________________________ Kitchen Cynics................................................................all aboard for Tonic!...........
  21. If your criteria is record label scouts, then we don't have to worry....they're after a saleable asset, not creativity. I believe Kathryn Sawers was so disappointed in recordings done for a record company that she refused to have the recordings issued....that's the spirit, in my opinion. ______________________________________________________________________---- Kitchen Cynics...................................................actually I love folk music...............
  22. Everyone drools over you, Philip, as you well know. However it's the thought of Forbidden Fruitcake making wonderful sounds on a beautiful instrument which really gets the heart beating, so don't be worried! ____________________________________________________________________ Kitchen Cynics.............................................Forbidden Flutecake rules, ya bass........
  23. Fair enough.......your mention of Tomita confuses me....I trust you're using him as an example of easy-listening non-creative electronics ("Snowflakes are dancing" was hardly cutting edge). I was thinking more about 50s stuff like Luciano Beramo, or Ilhan Mimaroglu.......not "dancey" tunes. _____________________________________________________________________ Kitchen Cynics..................going off now, as Emmerdale is on!!!!..........................
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