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Alan Cynic

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Everything posted by Alan Cynic

  1. I'll get some Blithe Sons recorded for you. Sorry about my initial suspicion, but one particularly negative neanderthal has been jumping on my posts and slagging me off, so I thought it might have been a wind-up.
  2. Jack Rose I've got the last 2 vinyl albums by (and one Pelt CD). The Interesting Music folks have got Charlie Parr coming soon! I've got a pile of Charalambides stuff (plus Scorces and Christina Carter solo). I had the pleasure of seing Caralambides live a year and a half ago, plus Six Organs of Admittance. I'm also in touch with Glen Donaldson of Thuja. Have you heard his Blithe Sons disc? Jesse Poe of Tanakh is (hopefully) coming to Aberdeen soon to record with the ex-Delicate AWOL folks, and will be getting in touch with me......you could meet up with us if it actually happens. I'll happily copy some of this if you haven't got it. Have you heard any Cul De Sac recordings.......it's pretty cool, too. They recorded with John Fahey, and toured with Damo Suzuki?
  3. Hmmmmmm.......I'm hoping this isn't some "sting" to make a mockery of ME, as I love most of the names you list, especially the Espers and Roy Harper! You probably already know and love Greg Weeks (of the Espers), Fursaxa (friend of the Espers) and Black Forest/Black Sea (who played Drakes recently). In a similar vein, you'll definitely like In Gowan Ring, Stone Breath, Tower Recordings, Pothole Skinny and the PG Six. Many of these contributed to an excellent US Incredible String Band tribute called (I think) "Winged they were". It looks from your list as if you're already familiar with Irene Trudel's show on WFMU. If not you can listen to her archives......she plays exactly the kind of music you mention. I first heard Linda Perhacs on her show a couple of years ago. She also broadcast a fantastic Espers session not that long ago, and had a session from Vetiver (who have Devendra Banhart and Hope Sandoval on their album) just last week.
  4. Ooops.....sorry, you two. I just went with what it said on the label. *runs and hides for a few weeks*
  5. Thanks for the tape, Hog! I've listened to the Agathocles side today, and enjoyed the variety of it ("The wild colonial boy"!!!). Will hear t'other side later tonight. It says Tape 5 93-96...is it a mix of different bands? I can do you a jazz cd in return (as per Philip's thread) to even the CD difference between you and Jakey.....no falling out now, lads!
  6. Now I feel like a dirty two-timer (well, three-timer, as I was in and out of Drummonds too....will I catch a disease?). It was VERY hard walking down Shiprow and NOT going into Drakes!!!! But I'll be there on Tuesday for my pint of Judas from FJ. The Moorings was good fun though, and I got a free CD which can't be a bad thing.
  7. I was in and out of the Moorings, and saw bits of bands. I really liked the Rap-Metal lot (sorry, missed their name!) and Element 106.
  8. Unfortunately no.....but I'm using a kazoo on a couple of songs to replace Philip who is unfortunately otherwise engaged, so I've been kazooing round the flat, much to the consternation of the woodlice. _____________________________________________________________________ Kitchen Cynics..........woodlouse worrier (or slater shocker if you're local)...............
  9. I was at the Lemon Tree gig, too, and still have a couple of early albums. I also bought "Readymades", where they use lots of traditional folk samples, and enjoy it, despite the reviews.
  10. Actually, I think the Monks Sam mentions are the mid-60s ones who recorded the fantastic "Black Monk Time", rather than the "Nice legs" guys. You maybe knew that already, and it was a joke, in which case .....sorry, it's still a bit too early for me! _____________________________________________________________________ Kitchen Cynics.............................................................Blast off!.......................
  11. I picked 3 of mine up in charity shops, and the other was from a boot sale either at Thainstone or Bridge of Don. Wish I'd never given away my Vl-Tone, though, so I'll be looking for one of those, too!
  12. My computer won't show me the pic...damn!!! I've 4 cheap keyboards (all less than 5 each)...the PT-20, the PSS-6, an SK-1 and a PSS-280, which is a bit bigger than the others. The SK-1 probably gets the most use, normally, so I'd say pick one up if you can. Its little sampler is cute, too. BTW...thanks for resurrecting this thread.........!!!
  13. I'll be there! (Yes, Kitchen Cynics are doing a set tomorrow in the Wild Boar....just me and Cavern Mike though).
  14. Thanks for the info & the link. I've been enjoying the Crimso live stuff you gave me!
  15. I'm going to butt in here to tell you all how wonderful my Grandad's band was. It was called Bervie Bill and the Bothy Loons. Is that relative?
  16. Well I don't want to get involved in another big argument, but I home recorded for years, only starting to play live in the last 12 months or so, and I've found it useful. It made me hone some of my songs....even some of the lyrics have improved by being altered to the benefit of the song. Then I re-recorded some of them. Also if I hadn't started playing out I wouldn't have met some kind musicians who have played on my own recordings ( eg Philip, or Duncan Hart, possibly Lester Burnham soon), or live (Mike Napier from the Cavern). But that's just my personal point of view, not a manifesto. Having said all of this, I still don't think there's any NEED for live performance.........your own situation obviously suits you fine, just that there's still a place for it, and a purpose served by it on occasion.
  17. No entry fee (which is weird because the main act, Amy Rigby, is a pretty big name stateside). When are KLATB on, as the Boar night is supposed to finish c 10.30? (KCs on at eight pm)
  18. I'm giving away a few glow in the dark plastic skull rings at the Wild Boar on Friday. No expense spared!!
  19. Was that the same gig as the Cuts played? If so, I also enjoyed the Brutes that night......they were entertaining, as they always are.
  20. OK....I'll be nice I believe Element 106 are playing at the Moorings on Saturday......when will you be on, as I'm keen to see you?
  21. Well, I'm impressed by the music which he produces! I also quite enjoy Stripey's ranting against mediocre music (despite being worse than mediocre myself). What riles me are the anti-Aberdonian bits......I get defensive about the dear old dump, for all its flaws. _______________________________________________________________________ Kitchen Cynics...................................Snuffy Ivy for Provost!!...................................
  22. You're right.....don't know what got into me. I apologise for insulting Scooby-Doo in such a way.
  23. That's cool......poor old Scooby would be incontinent, with bad breath and mange ( a perfect role for Metallica Jaco?)
  24. I think they should remake the cartoon with the characters the age they would really be nowadays. I could make a decent shaggy.......grey-hairs, pot-belly etc ________________________________________________________________________ Kitchen Cynics............................................................."old" is the new thing..........
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