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Wishbone G

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Everything posted by Wishbone G

  1. From i can gather and remember, he is talking about the composer of the famous Planets Suite. And he wishes us to name movies in which his music has featured. One slight problem to this thread - A single trip to imdb will make it pretty much over...
  2. I discovered tonight that Alan Cynic is none other than my art teacher from second year, who lent me a Groundhogs CD when i drew a picture of Wishbone Ash. Awesome!
  3. Its not exactly a great way to get your first podium finish, eh? Probably his last anyway...
  4. They were chucking stuff onto the track. Seeing an F1 car exlode a bottle is pretty amusing
  5. He was outside john lewis the other day. I asked him to sing some Pink Floyd and he shot me the most evil look ive ever seen. My friend and i were wondering why he drapes a handkerchief over his wrist, and came to the conclusion that it was to keep his wrist warm so his page turning technique wouldnt suffer.
  6. "That bloody nice guy with the Pink Floyd obsession"
  7. and what about when a good friend says hi? That not as enjoyable?
  8. excellent. I met Stewcat, and 2 of those emo heroes from MMW ( ) last night. 3 ab music people down, how many to go? :\
  9. yesh. I came to your flat at some point. I also know you went to Denmark. And that you can balance a pint on your head. *Stalks even more*
  10. i think i spotted gumpy on the number 19 bus yesterday. Or at least someone that looks like his avatar did :/ Confirmation?
  11. Since i met him i aint stopped hearing stories about his heroic antics. Congrats on the pizza throwing, paul. I'd like to meet most of you.
  12. heh cheers. I looked up on it a bit. I now have a 3:2000000 chance of getting a ticket
  13. This is possibly the most significant event in my life that could happen right now. My best band of all time ever reforming, and i havnt got a clue how to get a ticket
  14. I just want to meet ewan again. I knew him vaguely before he became such a celebrity, and havnt seen him since. Him and his thumb moved onto better things.
  15. Yeh. The place where there are only 2 employees that actually know anything about plants.
  16. Ugly fucker, eh? Seen him in the recent Yes dvds?
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