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Everything posted by Biz

  1. All the bands will be playing Clash/Strummer songs what do you want to hear?.
  2. aka SKA will be playing Madness Selecter Specials Beat and other songs in a ska style phone Stephen 07764633836 We have 2 guitarists a bassist sax trombone male and female vocals drums/percussion we rehearse weekly in Aberdeen.
  3. ahh yes... those techno disco chappies and chapess AKA the fox were pretty tasty, and Strozek sound promising on the radio, but everything else is a total blur, apart from 16again gigs which are always hotter than a date with Pamela Anderson. I seem to remember the x certs being exciting but that was probably a couple of years ago,and of course Deadloss are always present to teach youngsters how to rock like bastards with the need for only 2 good songs in a half hour set keeping the attendees happy,XS RELOCAT seem to have been forgotten about tae- so alternative we only play to audiences of 12 or less. Fuck me Sundaram is on the radio...I'll get me coat.
  4. Biz


    vote 16again yeah we would be up for the support tae-why nae hae 2 supports -better partying in the dressing room and we can kiss each others arses and tell each other how fab we are whilst being luvvies about the air conditioning just like proper punk stars The Rezillos.
  5. Looks Like An Ace Lineup Haar arrr drunken punk shenanigans ahoy me hearties. BETTER GET THOSE TICKETS IN ADVANCE FROM TUNNELS OR 1UP SOON.
  6. Biz

    S I D C A

    listening to CDs better than seeing a gig? LIKE FUCK
  7. Biz


    Aye..but... We named our band after one o their songs .See and hear us at www.16again.co.uk
  8. What About Drummonds? You are not allowed to smoke in The Lemon Tree and 90% of the seats in Tunnels are a pain in the arse to sit on for more than 10 minutes.
  9. Where can I get a reasonably priced MOT on a Saturday?
  10. Friday 16th December Tunnels -the band 16again are putting on a Joe Strummer tribute night with bands and DJs- the bands will be expected to play for around 30 minutes and include Clash or Strummer songs in their set . Contact band@16again.co.uk or phone Billy 07730057327 asap, we have the tickets printed and need to get the posters and flyers printed asap cheers.
  11. 16again ane o Aiberdeens finest punk rock bands GING TAE WWW.16AGAIN.CO.UK and ask Colin Response if we have any gigs coming up. We are Supporting The Sex Pistols Experience at Kef on Sat 29th Oct and we are organising a Joe Strummer night at Tunnels on Friday 16th Dec 8pm-3am Bands/Djs visuals/raffle and prizes galore. We are also available for headline or supports throughout Scotland give us gigs NOW,cheers Biz.
  12. OK - if you want top be pedantic... I think you'll find it's piano- nae peeano or fitever-yours nae giving a shitedly -Biz.
  13. yeah bring it on... I think you will find that I could easily play a behemoth kit like those above, and in fact HAVE several times- but for now come and hear my comedy drumming at Drummonds THIS Sunday 4th Sept doors 8pm first act on 9pm, cheers Biz.
  14. Drummonds Belmont Street doors open 8pm first act on 9 pm. Featuring Biz the drummer, Stu who ? Neil Mc Farlane Wendy Ivers Gus Tawse ahh go on go on go on it's only 6 quid.
  15. Yeah Loveless became... Pablo , I saw them at The Triple Kirks and Lemon Tree. Ian Slater the bass player looks a bit like Spike Milligan mwwaaaa ha ha ha and was the manager and in house engineer at Drummonds and consistently gave one of my bands (the mighty HUMAN Generator ) an excellent sound - we played there over 20 times around 50 years ago. Pablo released an ace CD called The story of Love and Hate a couple of moons ago.
  16. Great gig Flood of red were exciting as fuck,a bit like Trail of dead, great stage prescence from all band members,worth a second look.
  17. 16again again and again 2 1/2 hours of set to tailor to your punk needs contact www.16again.co.uk
  18. Och well... onwards and upwards -Turning 13 were one of the few bands I would go to see twice in a week, thanks for some great memories cheers Biz.
  20. Och it's my only escape fae my hectic real life
  21. Laugh or your money back my arse -is no one in this place interested in live comedy?
  22. Speak to Duncan Hendry who works at The Theatre he ran one ,he used to promote gigs st The Venue etc etc and the Alternative Festival tae.
  23. Are ye gan tae Belladrum? Alabama 3 - Yowza ! and The Proclaimers I feel the need to shave off this fucking beard and resume normal activities SEE YE THERE
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