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Everything posted by Biz

  1. aye... The guy who used to play bazouki in The Skubhs.
  2. Let's hope it's a vocal coach All that mumbling is a bit confusing at times.
  3. So you want to haggle? 5.00 and we have a deal
  4. He's pretty good tae And he brings a little Je ne se quais to the performance with the wedding attire. He he he , see ye there.
  5. Biz

    Vote Moorings!

    Cheers Flash Thanks for making my post a bit more presentable tae,I am shite at this computer malarkey.
  6. So any other projects planned? Josephine wrote great songs that stick in my head for years. I will miss Keiths stage prescence,he reminds me of Mark E Smith but is way better. I will miss Dereks drumming,I love the way he sticks his elbows out. I will miss the great sound of the Rickenbacker guitar. I always forget the guitarists name,I have known him for over 10 years tae. Most of all I will miss the way " advertisment" is sang as Adver-tise-ment ,it reminds me of living in Banff.
  7. Biz

    Vote Moorings!

    Electric eclectic Toothbrush
  8. AECC IS SHIT 3 for half a pint of warm lager And being told that I could not smoke indoors, and if I went outside I would not get back in-just like The Beach Ballroom = Natzi petty scumbags ,they don't mention these facts when trying to sell tickets + no seats = STAND FOR 4HOURS - you are kidding right? "NO WE ARE NAZI SCUMBAGS"+ bands being advertised starting at earlier times+ assholes throwing drinks and not being ejected, BUT... Aye Franz were worth all these grievances,at least I got in free...Editors were nae bad but The 1990s were a bit soft. The big screen /mixed LIVE camera angles /lights/backdrops and stage prescence were pretty special. Mon the Franz.
  9. Aye I've seen him aboot Apparently he is a bit like Rod Stewart- he likes the romance of Scotland and likes to dress in Scottish garb to look Scottish, but is in fact a guffy!. Now let's get this straight,I do not have a problem with English people, but I do have a problem with English people that dress in Scottish attire and pretend to be something they are not . It is interesting to note that most deaths by autoasphxyiation in Scotland are carried out by English tae. I get the feeling that most of them wear kilts because it is the closest thing they can get to wearing a skirt,(BECAUSE THEY ARE CLOSET TRANSVESTITES) and as for choking themselves to death whilst choking their chicken dressed as ladies- HA HA HA -great- BRING ON THE COMEDY DEATHS I need cheered up. Chicken man may have mental health problems but at least he dresses to be himself,his white and purple dress and beard combination today was quite fetching.
  10. Good And Gone The Screaming blue messiahs - good and gone
  11. Biz

    Sham 69

    16again for support? One of the few punk bands I missed, any chance of the support slot? cheers Biz. Hear us at www.16again.co.uk
  12. MELODIAN/ACCORDIAN maybe Ok we still need a Trumpet player and may consider Melodian or some other keyboard type instrument.
  13. Hear us at our site www.16again.co.uk
  14. Well worth the wait -worth more than 2.50 The Pythagoras piece was funny , the rock tests are amusing, the Fudge awards brought back some hazy memories, I was found wandering about upstairs looking for a party by security. I only found out when they recognised me, still hung over as hell, during a soundcheck a day or 2 later,
  15. Ha Haaarrr me heatrties Is it Johnny Kidd and the Pirates? is it to be held in the cellar, waist deep in water,held down by substantial pieces of eight in our wellies or is it to be the A3 with their stetsons and Texwegian accents?.
  16. say what you want buttmunch Don't make me kick your ass hu hu hu hu you said warm a hu hu hu hu
  17. oK 16again will do it and another 11 great Clash songs. Better get those tickets in advance.
  18. Wow I have been stalking Josephine since they were called The Fabians. I have stalked them and Maple more than any other bands as they are ALWAYS worth seeing and the only disappointment is that they have too much great songs to play in a single set.
  19. Should be... but in actual fact will not be... ha ha ha should be in one-up this afternoon... i need to burn more cds... should end up in retro rebels at some point this week, and also the moorings... So my trips to Tunnels The Moorings 1UP and The Cavern have been a waste of a day then...he he he I should know better than think should will mean will so will take should as not in future...So I have a car and the inclination to drive into town HELL it is not even raining,ANYONE OUT THERE FOUND A PLACE TO BUY the NEW Fudge?. It says 1619 on my computer but it is always a couple of minutes slow...but not as slow as the web site clock.... they must be on the same parallel universe as the meatmunchers at Fudge.
  20. so where can wa buy it? The Moorings didn'a hae ony on Sun ,are they likely to be in Tunnels or 1 UP on Monday?.
  21. WHERE IS THE NEW FUDGE? you knobsmokers , 1 up don't know ,I bet you are lying in bed on top of a big pile of Fudge 10, throwing them in the air, laughing like a kid with a spoon of custard or someone who's just had it away with a bundle of dosh,is there going to be a 12 midnight release along with free cans of Tennents Super just like The KLF might do? NOVEMBER 12 TH MY ARSE
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